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Took me an hour to roll a joint!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Herbalist90, Jul 30, 2012.

  1. Today I got the dankest bud ive ever smoked! Frosty as fucking snow and smelly as shit :D so i smoked 2 joints of this and i was OUT OF IT! I was so jolly, I called some of my buddys to smoke the rest of my bag with me! So they came round at about 7pm so I sat on my seetee and preceded to roll a nice doobie for my buds. After licking and sealing, I checked the time, 7:53 it was :confused: my buddys were rolling on the floor laughing (they were already baked) and the funniest thing was that for me it felt like a minute! :smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke::smoke:
  2. Wha... The dankest shit you've ever gotten and you rolled joints? So much waste:( Should've packed a couple bowls with that, man.

  3. Joints are my way man, I jus love em!:smoke:
  4. Joint vs bowl discussion aside, that's fucking hilarious.
  5. like being so high you just sit with the bong in your hand
  6. in hindsight.. i may have been so baked before i read the clock wrong
  7. XD that's hella funny, one time I was getting a bowl of cereal for myself and I shit you not it took me 20 minutes to make it, my friend was just sitting there laughing his ass off at me failing to make a bowl of cereal. But I can 100% garuntee you it was the best damn bowl of cereal ive ever eaten ^_^

  8. Lol this happens all the time
  9. not gonna lie joints kinda have a "cool factor" feeling for me,

    but prefer vaping / piece normally
    (always use a grinder regardless)
  10. Might shoulda got on the goony with ur mates
  11. same here! nothing like the satisfaction of rolling a nice doobie up and smoking the hell out of it :smoke:

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