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Took edibles 4 days ago and still feel tingly.

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by saxophonestevie, Nov 8, 2023.

  1. I have never enjoyed smoking and have tried edibles multiple times with no reaction. I took 50 mg and felt nothing for 2 hours, so i took another 25. This was clearly a bad idea since I am 5'3 and 90 lbs. Within an hour I was screaming in pain and everything was slow as hell. It has been 4 days since then. I mostly feel numb all over my body, and whenever anything touches me I feel a burning pain. I am starting to freak out and wonder if this will ever go away. Does anyone have advice?
  2. My advice is don't take 75mg. Research thoroughly before actually consuming. Had you done that to begin with, you would have known that 75mg is a HIGH dose, especially for a beginner. Anything you are experiencing after 4 days is probably not due to cannabis. If you have concerns, GO TO A DOCTOR.
    • Like Like x 1
  3. What kind of edible did you eat and where did you get it?

    If its from a street dealer or one of the notorious knock offs then a doctor visit is a good idea
    More info helps
  4. Said he got it at a party, didn't know what the dosage was, and was told to "take more". Sounds like a kid or a troll. Either way, needs to go to the doctor.
  5. They are spacewalker gummies. a friend got them at a dispensary to bring to a party.
  6. Still waiting on how old you are.
  7. I am 20. Had a dumb moment at a party, and trusted others to tell me how much to take, you don't need to interrogate me about it.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  8. Probably have the green out haze
    Some folks have posted feeling a hangover for several days to several weeks (the daredevils that take 1000mg at once)
    We all process cannabis differently
    Lots of folks went through what you are going through now
    Speak to a doctor and hydrate/eat
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  9. More concerned as to why you need strangers to tell you to go the doctor if something isn't right.
  10. Not all doctors are opened minded and there is always the question of the law in some states
    Asking for some info and reassurance is smart

    One thing I would recommend is never ingest an edible you did not make or purchase
    • Agree Agree x 3
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  11. There's nothing a doctor can do to reverse a THC overdose. Most docs would probably order a bunch of needless tests to cover their ass and those are expensive but a really knowledgeable doc would tell you to drink lots of liquids, eat healthy, exercise, get plenty of rest, don't do it again, and wait it out.

    Obviously cannabis isn't for you. You don't like smoking it and eating it gives you basically the same high, so why continue? Put pot alongside mashed turnip on your tried it but don't like it list and go on with your life. At 20 you should be concentrating on preparing yourself for your future role as a provider and protector of your eventual family, if you don't, you'll regret it.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Update: I went to the doctor and he said I just have way too much anxiety and gave me sleep pills.
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  13. Me too but it was a Viagra :eek: I'll swap viagra for weed. ;)
    • Funny Funny x 1
  14. Some days ago I have been reading a medical article about the symptoms for having overdosed weed. It just talked about the contrary effects in body and/or in mind(panic attacks)
    So take care and I hope you recover well

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