And converted back to veg for two weeks, then three back in flower tent, the fuckin thing almost like restarted flowering since new day, the bottom of plant is brown hair but then it got a boost.. And the new growth is white hair, it's been flowering 60 days now, (60 days is when this cutting has finished for me for the last year) but now it's half white hairs, have anyone ever seen anything like it? I didn't care if it got seeds I was actually gonna toss the plant months ago but held on and really mind blown about that boost it got somehow, I understand most strains would have gotten stressed and hermied quick but I can't find any seeds and I'm watching crystal production which isn't below normal... nonfiction's multi-strain grow
I will take a better pic tonight when lights turn on (there is a good picture in journal actually) nonfiction's multi-strain grow
Re veg shouldn't cause it to herm out, as long as it has time to switch back before it's thrown into flower again. White hairs are probably from the nugs swelling or re budding. (This usually happens 2 weeks before finishing). They swell in a last ditch effort to collect pollen. More pistols mean a better chance in getting pollinated. Since she was re vegged, you started flower completely over again.
So it will take prolly 60 days to finish from the point he revered again back to flower Sent from my SM-N920T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
But you'll have huge mature nice buds if you do it rite man. Your about to make her yeild Sent from my SM-N920T using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Too bad the pot was so little think if I gave it a few more gal it woulda got way bigger nonfiction's multi-strain grow