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Too unsure to continue

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by cookiepookie, May 5, 2011.

  1. Well, I'm hoping for some advice that can help me figure out a problem I happen to have. Now, I'm usually decent at conversation and have smoked for a while now (very lightly from freshman year to a decent amount senior year). The problem is that whenever I smoke and want to talk to people, it feels ridiculously difficult. Anxiety starts building up, I start feeling shakey (which I've noticed shows a bit while sober) and I can't think of anything to say. If someone talks to me, I'm too concentrated on the fact that I'm anxious and have anxiety that I either don't hear them, or I can .only come up with quick responses. I'm aware that this isn't a doctor forum, just wondering if anyone had some insight into my problem.
  2. Doesn't sound like weed does you many favours, it's not for everyone man.
  3. You probably have social anxiety disorder. What I would suggest is not smoking so soon before talking to other people. Try letting yourself relax for some hours and then go amongst people with the attitude of "i dont give a shit about what people think of me". Try to get a book on social anxiety disorder. When your amongst people dont think of yourself as a personality. It is not easy to do, but this is what helps me. However, if i smoke like a good 4 hours before work where I have to talk with people I feel so chilled that i dont give a fuck what others think.
  4. I believe this nails it pretty good. I've known I've has a mild case of this forever. Long before I started smoking. Soo just like OP said when I smoke it makes things a little difficult. Now that I've been smoking for quite a few years tho its helped me over come that a good bit. Im actually a good bit less quiet and withdrawn in social settings than I used to be when sober.

    Just learn how to let all those things you mentioned take a back seat OP. You'll find that once you dont feel so paranoid your medicated mind can actually get you thinking in totally different directions. Sure, what comes out of your mouth might be a load of crap.... but even then all you are gonna get is some laughs or a crazy "wtf did you just say?" look. And that actually gets the ball rolling in the right direction instead of the wrong one like your mind is trying to tell you.
  5. you can be 18 and a senior in high school you know
  6. Yeah I used to be socially anxious. It sucks.

    What I do is I introspect and observe how I perceive other people. Even when it's socially awkward people, I don't perceive them as bad or undesirable whatsoever, maybe a little nervous, and everyone can relate to that.

    As long as you have something to say (not sit all reclusive when in a social situation) you'll be accepted. Little one liner jokes like "That's what she said," are used by social chameleons quite often and they work. Everyone enjoys them to an extent, and you get a little confidence boost when someone laughs.
  7. Dude, you're just feeling a little anxious and awkward. What you've got to remember is that EVERYONE has those feelings, the cool kids, girls, parents, everyone. It's just some are a little better at hiding it.
  8. I am heading to the caymen Islands next week and i am staying at the Ritz anyone help me on where to buy some gonga i do not want to take on plane thanks

  9. :rolleyes:
  10. I have the same problem. I have Asperger's syndrome and it seems like sometimes the weed enhances the better qualities of the disorder (creativeness for example, I can sometimes write amazing stories while high) and sometimes the weed enhances the less-desirable qualities, such as just being antisocial and introverted I suppose.

  11. Ya cuz you were never a noob? lol And to the OP it's ok dude you'll get used to it and it will go away the more times you blaze, enjoy the ganga!
  12. Oh yeah man! Wow I actually JUST got back from there so I can definitely help you! Here's what you do:

    Is that really the kind of response you're expecting? Lmfao what the fudge dude. I've seen some ridiculous first time posters here but never this. Good luck with your "Gonga" search :rolleyes:

    In terms of OP, like one person said if weed is making your anxiety worse, it might not just mean the Green isn't for you might just need to try different strains! good luck!

  13. I don't think the guy you quoted was being a dick, but was actually just looking at it from a different perspective. He never mentioned him being a noob or not knowing how to handle it.

  14. First if you think weed is making it worst then you should stop. If you want to overcome your anxiety, the only way is to get out there and talk to people - you'll find out that your anxiety will decline. It's all in the head - just accept that you have anxiety and move from there...

    The only reason why I say this is because I'm suffering post traumatic stress disorder from being in a massive motor vehicle accident and trying to deal with my anxiety with the help of experts. I had nightmares and flashbacks of the event ever since.

    So just get out there and socialise - it's all in your head mate. Your head will tell you things but thoughts are just thoughts - nothing more, nothing less. Remember it's your decision is what ultimately counts - not your thoughts.

    Hope this helps.

  15. Of course he didn't mention it, that was my point that the OP was a noob, his point was that weed wasn't for him period lol Big difference.....
  16. Eh, nevermind bud.


    Staying on subject..good luck with everything OP and keep us posted on progress if you make any- I for one and interested
  17. #18 Kush Smokker, May 5, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: May 5, 2011
    Just because I devalued your point doesn't mean it went over my head, You said "he never said anything about OP being a noob" when that wasn't even his point to begin with, so why would he? You just sounded stupid thats all. Plus you made it seem like I thought the dude I quoted was a "dick" when that wasn't even my implication, looks like you're just wrong all over today.
  18. nah dude u sound pretty dumb...the guy was being 100% genuinely nice when he responded to the OP. politely saying maybe the weed isn't agreeing with him like it does others.

    that pic was funny btw :smoke:
  19. You guys both sound dumb lol When did I once say the person I quoted was a "dick" or that we wasn't being nice? why yall mentioning it out of thin air? Jeez you guys are random..

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