Too scared to smoke

Discussion in 'General' started by carlospiceyweiner420, Dec 8, 2013.

  1. #1 carlospiceyweiner420, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2013
    i keep getting panic attacks when ever i get too high i dont know why.
    I have to smoke heaps slowly and i am always cautious not too get too high other wise i start to freak out. I get nervous everytime i am about to smoke. Is anyone else like this. 
    I have had two really bad pannic attacks since i have started smoking and they have ruined my whole experience

  2. #2 MrMcFreely, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2013
    Stop smoking your just not a pot head. It's not your fault.This happens to alot of people. You can get passed it if you just keep smoking. Idk how long but it will eventually happen.
  3. How long have you been smoking for? I guess when I first started as a teen I was the same, but I wouldn't get high every day, maybe a couple of times a month or just at party's, then when I felt like shit I just wouldn't smoke again for a few months. (I was proper sick on my mates stairs one time & her mum had to mop it all up while I just sat in the corner with my head spinning & my dad had to pick me up & everything, then he asked what that smell was..ummm inscent sticks!? Haha)Then I met a close friend who smoked everyday, I gradually started smoking more & more and you just get used to it (sometimes too used to it!) Anyway, you will get over that stage, just hit up with people you feel totally comfortable around..this is probably the most important thing if you feel panicky.. Now looking back I can't believe I used to get like that, but I think most people have had bad experiences when they first start.. I think it's funny to look back, so hopefully you will look back & laugh too :)
  4. yea how long have you been smoking and are you smoking with friends or alone when you have these panic attacks?
  5. What's happened is that you probably have underlying anxiety inside of you, sometimes pot can bring that out. Also what happens sometimes is if you get a panic attack when your super high, your going to be already worrying about it happening again when you start to smoke again, try to just smoke less, maybe not getting super high is for you but getting a little baked can still be okay :) Sent from my iPhone using Grasscity Forum
  6. Your mind is not strong enough
  7. i just love how your name is wiz khalifa and you cant even handle weed
  8. Liar. You're wiz khalifa, you smoke tons of weed and laugh really funny.Just keep giving it a try. Find a friend who knows his shit and smoke a joint with him. Take a couple hits and stop for a while. If you feel nothing after an hour, try and smoke some more.
  9. Like just dont smoke then or smoke a tiny amount. Make sure you eat and drink.
  10. one thing that might help is getting strains that are high in CBD, the indicas, the more CBD the better, it helps to counter the anxiety that is caused by the THC.

  11. [quote name="hazeyblonde" post="19123713" timestamp="1386501230"]Anyway, you will get over that stage, just hit up with people you feel totally comfortable around..this is probably the most important thing if you feel panicky.. Now looking back I can't believe I used to get like that, but I think most people have had bad experiences when they first start.. I think it's funny to look back, so hopefully you will look back & laugh too :)[/quote]This right here op, set the setting, chill friend with really chill (or hyped) music playing. Also mentality is a big part, don't think about it, by now it's gotten to a point where you probably expect it to happen before it even happens thus... it happening. I've seen your other posts you're a cool dude you got this! Do a little and just remember this is weed, it's meant to make me feel great, nothing is wrong or is going to happen! Soon you'll look back and laugh I say! Laugh! Pretty stoned... Good luck my dude!
  12. And always stay hydrated! Lots of water
  13. yeah i smoke a couple times a week. Once i had a pannic attack with my friend (he had the exact same panic attack as me) weird i know. And the second time i was on my own when it happened. Ive smoked probably 25-30 times my whole life. I never used to have this problem. 
  14. I have anxiety and get panic attacks a lot.....if I'm feeling anxious, I avoid sativas and stick with indicas as they really chill me out and calm me down.   You also need to relax, if you are expecting to get anxious, you will.  
  15. I smoke to calm my nerves and feel good. If it was giving me panic attacks, I wouldn't smoke.... Why do you even want to smoke if it's giving you panic attacks? What exactly makes you panic? I've heard this millions of times, but I don't understand how you can panic from being stoned
  16. i just cant get my head around that...people getting panic attacks from weed. normally id point and laugh.
  17. <sup>I feel the same way sometimes and have been a smoker since I was 14 heavy smoker, the one that has been getting me lately is the sativa that I turned into RSO but I think the other people who told you above that the anxiety is amplified by the weed is correct, if you already have anxiety and you are smoking weed, you really have to be careful to try to only think positive thoughts and when a bad thought enters you're mind you need to clear it out quickly with a positive one.  you and your friend could have had the same panic attack because you were both feeding off of each others bad energy and making the bad feelings compound.  try to have a pre-toke pow wow and ask you're friend that if you start to freak out to keep reminding you that it is all in you're head and you will be fine, in a little while.  that may or may not help </sup>
    <sup>or just stop smoking but that sucks.</sup>
    I would post some links to NIH studies that have found that THC can and does produce certain kinds of psychotic symptoms in some folks that would otherwise not experience them and tends to aggravate certain symptoms in many folks that would have them whether they smoked or not - just not to such a distressful degree. But why bother? We do what the fuck we want until we decide not to - regardless of what NIH or anyone else has to say.
  19. #20 Z42OM, Dec 8, 2013
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 8, 2013
    Man , I smoke and blaze every night of mah life and not once have I freaked out . 
    You just gotta have right set of mind before you start your session .. 
    You'll get used to it for sure , if you love weed , you'll gain a tolerance out of respect .
    Keep smokin , its good for yah  :hello:  :smoke:

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