Too move or not to move

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Clutch420, Oct 3, 2010.

  1. #1 Clutch420, Oct 3, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 4, 2010
    Hello all,

    I have 2 beauties in pots. They are 4' high and 4' round. They are almost ready and i was wondering if i could move them inside due the the fact that we havin been getting rained out. All the tri's are milky and technically i could harvest today and be quite happy. If i move them inside and have a fan in there will they continue to ripen in the dark? Will the tri's continue to change to amber?

    I bet a week or less where they are would be fantastic but there has been alot of heat around here lately with the police walking dogs. SO should i move them inside and harvest in a few days or should i let them go and risk it lol?

    They have been flushed already but i was going to continue watering them and keeping them alive in the dark...

    Any suggestions greatly appreciated!!!


    Nevermind i chopped one last night and the other will be in a couple days. Not much feedback???

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