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Too Many Qs!!!

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Daquiry, Aug 6, 2008.

  1. I love this thread:hello:
    I wanted to know what good thing to do with the roaches, the kief and even the stems, if there is any use for them. I am obsessed with saving them..hehe
    Also can anyone enlighten me on some of the terms like Koosh, Chronic and the actuaal grams for the half quarter, ounce... I am terrible with measurements:confused:
  2. #2 Little Jacob, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2008
    hey man, i don't really think you can do much with the stems and shit, i just throw them away, you could make a really dirty, crappy bong/pipe hit from them i guess, if you were desperate :p

    as for the other thing you said... a Q should be 7g, half oz. 14g and an oz. should be 28g, basically an 8th is 3.5 so just double it for a Q, double that for a 1/2, then double that shit for oz. :smoke:

    edit: oh yeah, chronic is just one of literally hundreds of slang terms for 'marijuana' and koosh probably is too, although i haven't heard that one before :p
  3. hahahaha well.

    - Keep your roaches, you can smoke those in a pipe.

    - Save up your keif, that shit is PURE THC, so when you have enough to load a bowl of it, you will get hiiighhh as fuck.

    - You can do a lot with stems - Throw them away, make tea, I grind mine up to work as a fire starter to my bowls.

    - Kush is good shit, chronic is good shit. 8th = 3.0-3.5 oz = 22.0-23.0 If your new to smoking you'll probably always end up getting a gram ($20 a g of good shit) or an 8th (can vary $50-60 depending the weed.)
  4. You probably mean ''kush'' its a potent strain if grown right, and is really popular along the west coast. Oh and the stems; you can keep them in some vodka for a while so all the THC is removed, you should probably add in some buds too.
  5. Thanks everyone!!
  6. Take the weed out of roaches and pack them into a bowl or a bong. Chew the stems, or just pack 'em in. Kush is a strain (type of weed). Check out the complete list of strains sticky in the Recreational Marijuana Use forum. Your wording is kinda confusing about measurements. 1 ounce=28 grams.

    BTW Kief is most definitely not 100% THC or pure, it varies depending upon the strain of MJ, pure THC is Budder. And thats supposedly AMAZING.
  8. well i agree with everything except the stems theres zero thc in there so your just wasting time with that. just when your cleaning ya head(bud) pick out all the seed and stems pretty much garbage unless you wana do shit with them. the tea thing you can do with weed not stems well the stems can but like itl be for taste more then high cuz no thc but good luck in you adventures with thc
  9. #9 Bajiggy, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2008

    an ounce is 28.3 grams u dumbfuck not 22.0 - 23.0.

    and to the guy above stems are covered in trichomes which contain thc. Y are u telling this guy false information?
  10. if you get a 4 piece grinder and grind stems you can get some kief tlhat falls through the screen
  11. not flase you yourself just said that there covered in them the stem itself has no thc and so you can make tea like i said i didnt say that it wouldent get him high i said it would be less for getting stoned dude chill i never said there complety useles si said zero thc in tehm adn do with them wha tyou want

  12. in my area "28.3" is VERY hard to find a dealer wanting to go that high, probably because I buy very potent weed and people like even numbers, more or less, I buy my 22.0 grams of mid grade chronic bud for 180.
  13. #13 Saint Dogg, Aug 6, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 6, 2008
    Good information but weed prices very greatly by location so don't go up to some1 and ask for these prices... Never know if weed may be cheaper in your area, most dealers would just roll you for this price if u asked even if its cheaper... Also a Ounce is 28 Grams street, your getting cut a whole quater... 23 Grams is 3/4ths of a ounce....

    Green Dragon is also a great way of putting your stems to good use, just drop them into a bottle of high proof alchahol such as Bacardi 151, Vodka, Everclear and let it set for awile. I usually save all my stems all year than at the begining of the year I put them all into bottles (usually ends up being 2/3 half gallon bottles of Vodka stuffed) let those set till the begining of next year. those 2/3 bottles tend to last me until the next batch it done... Not a huge drinker but shit will get u faded... highest I've ever been was playing quaters with sum friends for a few hours useing Green Dragon....
  14. Can someone tell me how long it takes for dank weed to lose potency? Im buying some weed in 4 days and saving it for 4/20 and i want to know if my weed will become dry or less potent by then?
  15. Store it in a air proof glass container and pop the lis every few days and it'll last a good long while. Just don't leave it in plastic bags or out in the open obviously. Then it will dry out. And no it won't become dry or less potent asking as it's stored properly. If anything you're actually slightly making it better by allowing it to cure in the glass jar for a few weeks.
  16. How do you smoke roaches? Arent they just paper?
  17. Depends if you use a filter or not
  18. You can make QWISO hash out of the stems. Search it in the search box I'm sure there's a thread about it

  19. Just paper with weed in them! Lol
  20. 21g is 3 1/4s of a O, hench 28 is the o. One o 28 dived by 4 = 7

    7x3= 21

    Sorry for bein the guy who corrected this, I never notice things like that, must not b high enough

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