Too many fucking plants, HELP

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by juslikejesus, May 18, 2010.

  1. I bought 15 seeds, I expected it to be like 4 and I got 12. I now face the very simple problem of where the hell am I going to grow that outside 12 plants, do I look like scarface?

    I pondered questions with my friends and thought

    Build makeshift house? no.
    Ram 20 foot bamboo rods in the ground, no because we're not pandas

    Seriously I have no idea where to put these I can't put 12 plants in my back yard I have no fence,
  2. Just grow a couple of plants how many ever you attended too.. If it's your first grow Experiment put the others back for a different time.
  3. start with one of those seeds man, and keep the others in a cool dark place.
    If you can handle more than one and get the hang of it, germ a few more, as much as you can handle and conceal. And as long as the seeds are stored correctly, they can be planted next season, and maybe a few after that!
    Your okay man. :smoking:
  4. usually if you buy 15 seeds you get about 15 plants. unless you buy bad seeds then they almost always germinate if done right. how can you only expect 4 plants from 15 seeds?

  5. He probably thought most of them wouldn't of made it.

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