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Too many friends?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by theejuice, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. SO, I'm in college, and it's funny, I'm kind of an introvert, yet i have a lot of friends that I smoke with and/or chill out in general with. I have about 5 or 6 different groups of friends that I chill with, in the dorms, or around town. The problem is, I always find myself trying to do to much at once. Like sometimes a group will want to hang out when I'm chilling with another group, or I'll have trouble deciding which group to chill with on a certain night. I've tried getting the groups to intermingle, it's fun, to some degree. Well anyways, i was wondering if anyone had any advice for me.
  2. Make your own group.
  3. Doesn't really seem like you have much of a problem to me haha. Maybe try and find the stoners in each group and get them to match with you.
  4. I has lots of man. Ok so does anyone have advice because this shit in haiti isnt going away any time soon ok im wayy too high at this early lol.:smoking:
  5. not often does someone complain about too many friends? you should do a draft, and recruit all the cool kids into one group, and toss all the losers aside :p, or just chill w/ everybody
  6. i think you and all of your friends should start smoking crack together, maybe im high?

  7. lololololol
  8. i dont see your problem

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