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Too late for SCROG?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by BlueEyeTease, Oct 15, 2014.

  1. I have 3 plants...the two bigger ones are 6 weeks into veg (smaller I think because of the low watt CFL's) and I'm wondering if its too late to do a SCROG on my babies. The small one in the background will be a SCROG I just want to clone it first when it gets a little bigger. She just got out of attempted flowering lol and is finally back in veg.
    And please don't give me crap on the lights I have going. Couldn't run my 600w MH due to heat but now that winter is here its going in! Gotta love cold country lol.

    P.s. I think the picture makes my finger look crooked :/ but that's just to give you an idea on their size.

    Any thoughts on the SCROG would be a great help. They aren't the best girls cuz mom was sick lol but I didn't pick this family

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  2. I'd try get em a bit greener and healthier before stressing them, are they just hungry maybe

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  3. No not hungry and they're just yellow looking from the way the picture took. Only thing they're unhappy about now is light

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  4. Scrog will need a lot more vegging time, this one veg for 5 month or so

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  5. Well the reason I'm wanting to scrog is because I'm not liking the uneven canopy. And switching over to the MH seems pointless to me unless its benefiting the whole plant. As it stands right now it doesn't seem the lower branches would make much of a difference from the switch as they would be too far from the light. Time isn't a factor for me it can veg as long as it takes but I also think switching my light will help speed that along

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  6. Bit of lst should do you, long vegging is a pain in the hole ha

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  7. Yea maybe I'll just LST....I'm still trying to decide if the extra $40 a month is worth it to run the MH

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    Sent from my XT907 using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  8. I'd say yes, but hps better for flowering

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Grasscity Forum mobile app
  9. I say go for it. I personally always lst heavy. It gives me the option to move the plants around instead of being stationary in a screen. You can badically achieve the same results if you train deligently.
  10. K thanks gonna do the LST and get my MH in...yea I also have a 600w hps for the flowering. Looks like I have some work to do today lol

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  11. #11 SiRbUdZaLot84, Oct 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2014
    Get a T5 for vegging. They're better on power and work just as good as a MH because you can put them much closer to the plants. The Quantum BadBoy is a little pricey but is one of the best T5's out there in my opinion. For flowering, definitely go with an HPS. You'll get much better quality and weight the stronger the light. Your plants look like they're not getting enough light as of right now which may cause them to be a lighter green and grow very slowly.

    2000w Sensi Seed Super Skunk Coco Grow Journal:
  12. Love my t5 and 1000 watts

    Paging Dr. Green Thumb
  13. #13 SiRbUdZaLot84, Oct 16, 2014
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 16, 2014
    That's the best way to go. MH or T5 hands down for veg and I only use 1000's for flower. 600w are great too and more efficient but only if you are running multiple 600watters. In my opinion I'll spend the extra money on the 1000's ;) If you're gonna do it, mind as well do it right. I've learned over the years that you get what you put into it. If you go cheap, you get cheap results. Consider it an investment :)

    2000w Sensi Seed Super Skunk Coco Grow Journal:
  14. Id scrap cfls personally, i used them for a month an soon went and bought a 600watt hps and im glad i did

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