Tonight I will change my life.

Discussion in 'General' started by DreamCalledLife, May 15, 2010.

  1. I'm listening to free bird.

    Won't you fly high free bird, yeah!

  2. Good luck man.

    And you idiots bashing about religion really need something better to do. Going to a thread just to talk shit is like looking up a band you dislike on Youtube just to talk shit. Those people are laughed at. Let people live how they want to live:rolleyes:
  3. I am going to form a relationship with the creator Himself.

    It has nothing to do with Sunday Church Services.
  4. Good luck man, both during this and afterwards. Big time props for doing something Big like this to improve your life!
  5. Good luck bro.
  6. I will return blades.

    This is the physical act of allowing myself to be crucified, to die, and to be reborn.
  7. damn youre a moron. hopefully you grow up someday and get a better understanding of the world you live in
  8. Best of luck to you man.

    There is nothing wrong with what you are doing. Screw what the other people think.

    Put in a kind word for me :p

  9. Good luck with everything dude :wave:
  10. you got it homie :wave:

    himme up when your back
  11. one question.

  12. there is nothing wrong with believeing in a higher power...there is something wrong with organized religion though.

    If you want to believe in god or anything like that then by all means go for are your own person and free to do what you like. whenever you get in mass and the subject you promote is so meaniful to you and the others around you...well then we have a problem.

    I think its complete horseshit that curches get a tax exemption..what do they do to warrant getting it? All organized religion does is promote argument...some people will say that it makes people live a better life and makes life more enjoyable...if sitting in a room filled with a bunch of other people talking about things that happened thousands of years ago and have almost no significant proof makes you live a better life than I feel sorry for you.

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