So I have been considering getting my tongue pierced.... But whenever I bring this up to people they always seem to have a negative response. People have told me that tongue piercings are 'slutty' and people just get them for performing oral Personally I just like the way they look especially the double tongue piercings. So what's your opinion on the matter?
As sexist as this sounds, whenever I see a girl with a tongue piercing I always imagine she gives great blowjobs.That's just me though.
I couldn't give two fucks, it's your body, fuck haters! People don't look like sluts, they act like sluts, or something witty like that...
Hahahah well the guys can go ahead and think that but they will be thoroughly disappointed when i tell them I'm gay.....
[quote name="HighButGrounded" post="19412289" timestamp="1390779692"]Hahahah well the guys can go ahead and think that but they will be thoroughly disappointed when i tell them I'm gay..... [/quote]I don't see the issue then. In the end it boils down to how you feel about it, who cares what other people think. Some people will think you give great blowjobs and some people will think its fashionable jewelry.It's like my beard. Some people think I'm a bushman rapist, but some girls think I'm this godly thor Jesus dude they want to have sex with.
the double is called a Venom Piercing. As for tips, just know it well swell horribly for a few days, and the first night, you may be unable to sleep due to constant gagging on saliva from your engorged tongue. Oh and for the love of god do not eat tacos until the swelling has gone down substantially (taco tacos, not taco as in vagina tacos)
Yeah I mean I don't really give a fuck what people think. Inevitably I am going to get my tongue pierced. I was just wondering how many people believed in the sexual stigma of tongue piercings.
I read up on it a while ago and it said it could get pretty swollen. But gagging on your own saliva? Hahahah oh shit. I also read you shouldn't perform any sort of oral sex after getting it pierced for a while so vaginal tacos also apply to tacos that should be avoided So you have your tongue pierced?
[quote name="HighButGrounded" post="19412342" timestamp="1390780111"]Yeah I mean I don't really give a fuck what people think. Inevitably I am going to get my tongue pierced. I was just wondering how many people believed in the sexual stigma of tongue piercings. [/quote]It could just be me though. I was working a car promotion for Kia with some girl that had 3 piercings on her tongue (all in one spot right next to each other). She sucked my dick behind the tent at the booth. Best blowjob I've ever had, but also the dirtiest. She was pretty slutty, so in my mind I sorta automatically assume.
Yes I do. And yes, it is amazinh for oral sex, get a vibrating one for overkill (they are awkward as fuck to wear because of how big they are). They recommend no oral sex for atleast 3 months after the piercing I belive it was. And my taco point is from personal experience, the day I got it pierced
[quote name="HighButGrounded" post="19412408" timestamp="1390780651"]Hahahahah nice. Did the piercings make it feel a lot better? [/quote]I think that was what made it such a great blow job.
I have my tongue pierced, I got it because I thought it was a cool piercing. Sent from my SGH-M919N using Grasscity Forum mobile app
I got my tongue pierced because I like giving my boyfriend blow jobs and I really wanted that piercing. Fuck judgemental people. Sent from my HTC One using Grasscity Forum mobile app
Had mine pierced twice and I loved it! Thinking about doing it again... we'll see Fuck judgemental haters
i have my tongue pierce and have had it for year its fun to play with but only thing i can say is depending how your body reacts to thing it could make it hard to eat while it heals