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Tolerance Question?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by new buddy, Jan 20, 2010.

  1. Some of you may have seen my thread about ruining my 3 week t break and unfortunately I did it. It was only 3 hits of resin 2 weeks in.

    I was VERY satisfied with the buzz that only 3 hits of resin gave me. Previously I had to smoke almost 2 and a half bowls to get a high like that. Now I haven't smoked since sunday and don't plan on smoking again till saturday.

    So my question is: Do you think my tolerance will be about the same on saturday after 6 days and only 3 hits as it was on sunday when I caved in and smoked?
  2. wow guys nice no one even cared to try to help me out... bump?
  3. [quote name='new buddy']Some of you may have seen my thread about ruining my 3 week t break and unfortunately I did it. It was only 3 hits of resin 2 weeks in.

    I was VERY satisfied with the buzz that only 3 hits of resin gave me. Previously I had to smoke almost 2 and a half bowls to get a high like that. Now I haven't smoked since sunday and don't plan on smoking again till saturday.

    So my question is: Do you think my tolerance will be about the same on saturday after 6 days and only 3 hits as it was on sunday when I caved in and smoked?[/QU

    I have been smoking for a half decade and I have found that I do build a tolerance. I have cold turkey (or in my case no money) quit for weeks and even up to months cuz a girl i dated didnt like it (never not smoke cuz a gf btw) and found that when i returned my tolerance was lower. However it wasnt like smokeing for the second or third time in my life. I feel that overtime when your body is used to it more suppliment is needed to get as hi as i was weeks before. I would try to use it in another fashion if you dont find what you are looking for IE brownies, budder, or green dragon. Because of ingestion, the thc takes longer to get into the bloodstream as opposed to smoking but often will produce a much stronger hi.

    In your case tho as you described if you went from smoking daily to once in three weeks your tolerance did a 180

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