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Tolerance issues

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Kose, Feb 9, 2011.

  1. What's up GC community. I've been having issues lately when it comes to tolerance.

    I've been smoking a year now, and recently everyday for 3 weeks straight. Sometimes several times a day.

    I find that with the second or third times i smoke in a day, the high is more of a buzz than it is a high.

    I've heard Terrence McKenna and other weed enthusiasts say that cannabis should be smoked sparingly (once a week and in massive amounts), to feel its full effects.

    That being said, i notice i get higher at night than i do in the daytime. Could it be because i take a longer period to smoke since the last time i did (which would be yesterday) rather than if i did it mid-day?

    Also, i notice when i share weed, a joint or a bong for example, i don't get that high. I've noticed that i need more and more weed to get high. And sharing doesn't cut it. I need a whole dub to my face to even be satisfied.

    All in all, i am willing to admit that i am mentally addicted to weed and can't stop for a t-break. I get so eager to smoke everyday because it's something i look forward to after a long day. And to just NOT do it one day is tough.

    Anyone else share my pain?

    Thanks ppl :cool:
  2. sounds like your gonna have to cut back how about smoking every other day
  3. just take a week off it will do wonders and when you share a jay thats more ppl smoking it with you so less smoke for you. thats why you match ppl bowls so everyone gets around the same high unless you hang with jews who torch the bowl.

    me and 3 other ppl all smoke 7.5 the night before our week off we all got roasted but not like a begining high we all took a week off and now we cant make it through 3 bowls so just take a week off and you should be okay:smoke: happy tokin
  4. how i keep mine down is i only smoke at night then go to bed plus i vape
  5. And yes, you get higher at night because there is more time inbetween your smokes, if you were to toke up midday, then again later at night, it wouldnt hit you too hard. If you were to wait until night time and not smoke during the day though, you get even higher.

    While you may feel hopelessly addicted, let me tell you that it is all in your head. To be perfectly honest, I cant wait for my t break, sure I dont want to start it today, but in a week or two, its gonna be nice.
  6. #6 GutteralShiva, Feb 9, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 9, 2011
    Just force yourself to take a week t-break. And when you start again just try not to do it as much, or take t-breaks often. Just keep yourself busy that week to keep your mind off it. If you go to school or have a full-time job it should be no problem at all.
  7. and a whole dub to get high you need to take a t break bro it takes me like 2 trenches of high mids to get me sky high

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