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Tolerance is the devil.

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Tuk2, Oct 20, 2007.

  1. I've been a daily smoker for well over a year. Lately my smoking habits have been 2-3 times a day, usually a few bowls at lunch and a couple bowls at night. I only smoke dro/dank. Problem is, its not as enjoyable as I remember it being. I used to look forward to getting stoned like it was a spiritual experience. It was the highlight of my day, used to be so good, it would change my thought patterns (which I think was the coolest part,) and give me the munchies. It put a smile on my face every time I went from sober to having that warm "happy" feeling in your brain when you first start to feel it. Now I barely notice when Im stoned. I can smoke half a gram and act straight, cant feel too much of a change. Then I forget I smoked, and shortly after feel almost sober. Smoking weed has turned into something I do out of habit, routine and boredom.... which now makes it a waste of money. I know everybody is going to say "Tolerance break" but I don't know If I can do that right now. Smoking is my biggest hobby, such a part of my daily routine that I wouldnt know what to replace it with. Am I alone here? Do I smoke too much? Is there a better way at making weed more enjoyable?
  2. Tolerance breaks aren't as bad as they seem. The first week you may be feeling the urge to smoke a lot, but after that it doesn't even phase me. I actually began to forget that I even smoked, and I didn't even really care. There are so many other things in life to focus on it's really easy to take your mind off smoking. The best part is that once your one month tolerance break is over it's like you're brand new to smoking again. And you'll never be more productive in your life than during your T-break. I'm personally coming off a two week break today and I'm looking forward to it a lot. Think of it this way: it will only be that much better when you come back. Cheers :D
  3. if ur not ready to take a t-break then i suggest baking with weed. its a lot stronger form of getting high and instead of smoking, ur eating. try it.
  4. I have been poor for over 2 months and haven't smoked anything but some scraped resin, I know the next time I smoke I will probably be tripping. Sooooo worth it if you ask me.
  5. I think I'm going to take a little break after this weekend.
  6. Yeah I've never been able to make myself take a full blown tolerance break either... I just love smoking weed too much. Here's some advice I can give though: Try to limit yourself to smoking only at night. Keep yourself busy through the day and after you eat dinner, finally smoke some bowls. Get into this habit of not smoking during the day and after a while, switch to only one bowl every night. It's not nearly as drastic as straight up stopping for a month, but it still lowers your tolerance. You could even take it further, and choose a few days every now and then to not smoke at all. This should create a noticeable difference in your tolerance, even though it won't be as extreme as a tolerance break.
  7. i just suggest not getting into any harder drugs just because weed isnt doing it for you. just force urself into a short-term tollerence break. try for a week. if you can go longer try 2 weeks then u should have a happy smoke afterwards:smoke:
  8. Yeah I had to take a tbreak myself. Just don't smoke a lot of hash when you come back from your tbreak, or else your tolerance will shoot back up real quick,
  9. Same here..........

  10. Just stop cold turkey man, it's possible. You'll just be irritable a couple works the longer you stop. Drink instead. Smoke cigs instead (if that's your thing). It's worth the irritability to get a great high after just 1~2 wks off the bud. :)
  11. So everybody seems to think that a tolerance break has to last a month or so, but personally I've noticed even just a day or two of not smoking will make coming back to smoking much more enjoyable and much less "regular," especially if you only get really ripped once a day. If you smoke multiple times throughout the day, it just loses its effects...
  12. My tolerance is getting a little high too. Especially over the last few days I really haven't been able to actually get high. I'm probably going to take a 2-week tolerance break when I run out of bud, which I wish wasn't so soon.
  13. Ive smoked everyday since Febuary with the exception of July 4th, what a terrible day. During the school year it was 1-2 during the week, 3+ times on weekends, summer it became avg 5 times a day. and now at college im at 8 times a day sometimes, no less then 5 though. Plan on taking a tbreak the week before finals start. after that gonna smoke 2g's too the face in a blunt get blazeddd:smoke:
  14. Thats whats up. Sup all haven't been posting much I gotta agree the tolerance break is the best way to go as for getting your mind off of habitual processes go running push-ups any kinda exercises to get the thc outta your body quicker then its that much better when you return. I haven't smoked in about 22 months now, and I am a little worried about lighting up again I might die from laffin. :laughing:
  15. The hardest part is actually starting the tolerance break. Then continuing it is easy, for me at least.
  16. I'm about a week into my latest tolerance break. My plan is to clear out my system so that by Halloween i'll be able to enjoy a horror movie marathon stoned out of my mind. I just recently polished off a quarter with my tolerance making my last few bowls far from mind enhancing. While there may be ways to chase the high with weed by preparing it differently, but a tolerance break is unbeatable.
  17. T-breaks kind of suck for me since I'm an insomniac and sleeping pills leave me groggy. Still they are a necessity from time to time, currently only a few days into a two week t-break that ends on halloween.
  18. Me and my girlfriend both have been smoking weed for over 10 years, i've had a few involuntary tolerance breaks in that time.. but none of them planned.

    I simply don't have the willpower to give up what I love so I won't try, however I do agree with a previous post about not necessarily having to give up for 2-4 weeks.. a fucking lifetime without a smoke!

    I do the next best thing, alternate everything - Alternate what you smoke and how you smoke it, in fact alternate everything so nothing becomes routine. I don't know about you yanks but when I smoke; I play silly games with myself, you could use that to help yourself for example; setting yourself targets and goals like cleaning the entire house for just one bong! You certainly appreciate smaller amounts if you have to work for it.

    I hope my ramblings could help someone, works for me - but i'm retarded.
  19. dude, that paragraph could have described my exact situation here. I know exactly what you mean. I find that if I just try to smoke a little less each day, once daily perhaps, I start to look forward to that session and get excited and cherish it, etc. My point is that you just have to respect the herb and don't abuse it and take it for granted.
  20. I feel exactly the same way about my weed. I love it, It's going to be a habit for awhile but it's not as enjoyable as it was in the early day. 4 years ago it was just 1 spliffs 3-4 times week. now it's 3-5 a day.

    I should go on a tolerance break but it sounds hard. People say it's easy and you don't miss smoke much after a week. But what the fuck I'm I going to do for a day let alone a week without a joint. I'll try but most I've lasted in 2 years is a day and it they aint good days.

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