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Tolerance Inquiry

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by elwood18, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I am trying to figure out how long it would take for me to reset my tolerance level due to an increasing immunity.

    When I blaze now the high is not there, instead it is just relaxes me and any high like effect is short (under 15 mins till it feels like it has worn off) and mediocre

    I am tall, 6'7", light, 170lb, and have a very fast metabolism
    I have been a chronic (daily) smoker for the past year and have been smoking an average of 3 times a day for the past 8 months, I have taken a 2 week long breaks during this time while on vacation but other then that smoking has been daily.

    When I smoke it takes a lot, lately I have been using my generic convenience store class pipe ripping 3 full bowls (estimated .6-.8), so a good 12 solid hits. While I do smoke 2-4 times a day they are spaced out and never get me spaced out.

    Before my last break week long break a couple months ago my tolerance was similar, after the week I ripped some great white kush from my bong kicking my ass, my tolerance was acceptable for 2-3 weeks where it started to be noticeable again.

    So, would reducing the amount a smoke to once a day have a significant effect over a couple weeks or does weed require a cold turkey break for the tolerance level to be noticeably lower.
    How long should a good t-break for someone of my body type be?
    Is my metabolism a factor of my high tolerance, could my metabolism be a reason for my body's fast come down when I smoke? (as well as the obvious factors)

    Any helpful information or advice from the grasscity community would be gratefully appreciated . :hello::hello:
  2. I'm a pretty big guy (not fat lol) with a slow metabolism and in my experience the only way to really bring your tolerance down is to just stop smoking completely for at least a couple weeks.. For me, the only time I've really had a tolerance break that was worth it was when I quit for about 3 months after getting arrested (got scared sober). When I came back from that I smoked one tiny bowl and was blazed and my tolerance was stayed pretty low for at least a month or so. But other than that I've only taken like 1-2 week or less breaks a few times..

    I'm blazed btw.:smoke:

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