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Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Nug420, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. So I've been toking for about 2 years now straight. Everyday, whenever, ya know,
    classic stoner lifestyle. I began with smoking regs(cringes at thought of smoking the seeded).
    About a year ago I realized it was sensimilla or nothing to get the level of high I like.
    So I've been smoking I would say quite the generous amount of herb now for about two months and have noticed one thing....TOLERANCE!!!
    My question to you all is when you notice a tolerance issue how do you resolve this?
    Of course the first thought that comes to my mind is a T-break, but lets just say I am in a position where I "run into" a lot of dank nug.
    So my idea is this, smoke at different times and cut back a few bowls. I usually Wake n Bake because I go to school.
    After school it's anyones game, I can smoke anywhere from 4-5 bowls leading up
    to my night sesh. So instead of smoking all throughout the day I'm thinking about having 3 sessions. Morning, noon, night. What do you all think? Could this help my tolerance that I'm building? I know I'm going to get tons of people saying, "just take a T-break for a week or so" but that is not what I am asking so please don't suggest that. Of course a T-break helps but I have access to enough bud regardless of my tolerance, I would just like to decrease it through rationing bowls.


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