Tolerance Breaks?

Discussion in 'General' started by Professor Chronic, Mar 1, 2017.

  1. Hey guys,

    Just wondering on your thoughts on tolerance breaks? If you do then and if so how often or for how long ?

    Personally I only ever took one tolerance break for two weeks and that was only a little while ago. I've noticed that in being a daily smoker I don't get stoned like I used to anymore. I remember the first few times smoking getting off my head for hours where as now I'm only "baked" for maybe 30 mins and the rest is just chilled out. I took two weeks off and didn't notice much of a difference. I'm thinking of trying again maybe 4 weeks?

    I usually do it purely recreationally

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  2. When I was a regular smoker I took a couple 2 week breaks and noticed it really only made a difference for the first couple of sessions afterwards. Right now I'm on month 6 of no smoking, but hoping to break that within a week or two! :) I'll let you know if I notice a significant difference from my two week breaks. I'm sure my tolerance will be nothing and I'll get super baked, but the question is if my tolerance will shoot back up after a couple sessions.
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  3. tolerance break is when I'm sleeping, working etc....I'm telling you after a hard day of 8 hrs say you haven't smoked in 10 hrs...that first hit is wonderful.

    Or just change up strains.
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  4. I think this is a key: going 12 hour, daily, of not smoking. If you, op, are like me, then you smoke through the day. The problem is that we just get used to it, and it's boring; same daily routine.
    Just by smoking only at the end of day really helps. Even just a day or 2 break helps. The longer you refrain, the longer the awesomeness of weed lasts when you resume.
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  5. To pile on, trying to keep it to one session a day helps keep that pesky tolerance in check. I try to wait until late evening, when everything's taken care of and done, and I can just relax and enjoy my smoke.

    My tolerance breaks tend to come because I get sick and can't smoke without killing my throat. Although lately, I've been switching to edibles as much as I can in that scenario instead of taking a break.
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  6. Best of luck man but jaysus FairPlay on the 6 months

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  7. Tbf I usually work like 8 am- 4/5 pm hours so like usually if I smoke after work and just baked all day if I ain't doing anything better but yea it's usually around 10 pm I smoke every night. Been off for 2 days so I might just continue until the end of march

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