Tolerance break!!!

Discussion in 'General' started by DirtyB, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. So, I've been going through about 2-4 grams a day, for the last month, and June I smoked about 2 grams a day. Never took a t break even though I wanted my tolerance to get lower so bad.

    I took an unexpected 3 day break (not by choice obviously) but im heading back home today and I'm about to smoke a double blunt when I get home, how high do you think I'll get? Before the first smoke of the day was the only one I liked cause that's when I was the highest, not even that
  2. You're not going to have any noticeable difference. For the past two months you've been smoking 2 grams a day, and you only took a three day break.
  3. I swear when I don't smoke for a day or two I get higher... but I don't really smoke that much on a daily basis. It depends on who I'm with, but it's usually less than a gram a day. Maybe like .5.

    That being said, it's not a huge difference so I doubt it'll do much for you.
  4. #4 Spark It29, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012
    I don't understand how people can smoke more than a gram at a time. If you smoke often, I don't believe there's that much a difference smoking .5 and smoking 2gs, granted I've only been smoking for 3 years, but my longest tolerance break since smoking has been like 5 days. I can smoke a 2g blunt or whatever with a couple friends and have a noticeable high for an hour, maybe 90min tops. But if I have .5 and a pipe, I'll conserve that shit for a 2-5 bowls, and maybe even be high throughout most of the day
  5. You'll get high as fuck dude. And for the guy above me, the reason people smoke more is because we have a high tolerance. A .5 wont get us high. But yeah I smoke about an 1/8 a day and when I quit for just 1 or 2 days that first smoke gets me fucking high. Double blunt ftw.
  6. If it takes more than 3 rips to feel stoned, you need some better weed, not a lower tolerance.
  7. #7 Spark It29, Aug 10, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 10, 2012

    As I just edited, I've only been smoking for 3 years, but it's pretty much been constant smoking everyday. I don't know how much tolerance can go up, but I know that I have a pretty high tolerance, but can for sure get high off a couple hits.

    The problem is you constantly smoke large amounts. Any regular weed smoker could make a gram last a couple days. I personally think its just wasting weed if you have to smoke 2 grams a day. Maybe I just don't have the money for it...
  8. [quote name='"Shizmot"']You'll get high as fuck dude. And for the guy above me, the reason people smoke more is because we have a high tolerance. A .5 wont get us high. But yeah I smoke about an 1/8 a day and when I quit for just 1 or 2 days that first smoke gets me fucking high. Double blunt ftw.[/quote]

    Yeah I know they're idiots, sorry for name calling but I gotta do it.
    You guys have it completely backwards lol.
    I smoke so much that I can notice a 6 hour break.
    E.g: I smoke morning, noon, evening 2x, night cap, if I skip both evening smokes, I will get noticeably more baked than usual.
  9. So basically, allowing yourself enough time to not be stoned allows you to recognize when you're stoned?
  10. [quote name='"Wildman850"']If it takes more than 3 rips to feel stoned, you need some better weed, not a lower tolerance.[/quote]

    I really don't believe you guys smoke more than 2 times a day lol. 3 rips? I don't even like smoking blunts with 2 heads cause facing blunts don't do shit to me.
    And there's a huge difference between being high and baked. When I say it doesn't do shit to me, I'm saying it's just normal, Smoke what I smoke in a day and you'll get it.
  11. If smoking a blunt doesn't do shit to you, you need some better weed, not a lower tolerance.
  12. [quote name='"Wildman850"']So basically, allowing yourself enough time to not be stoned allows you to recognize when you're stoned?[/quote]

    So basically, you just asked me if being sober longer than usual allows me to recognize when I get significantly higher?

    I think you can handle that one on your own.
  13. [quote name='"Spark It29"']

    As I just edited, I've only been smoking for 3 years, but it's pretty much been constant smoking everyday. I don't know how much tolerance can go up, but I know that I have a pretty high tolerance, but can for sure get high off a couple hits.

    The problem is you constantly smoke large amounts. Any regular weed smoker could make a gram last a couple days. I personally think its just wasting weed if you have to smoke 2 grams a day. Maybe I just don't have the money for it...[/quote]

    I don't constantly smoke large amounts lol.
    I smoke a larger than usual amount a day, because in summer obviously my tolerance will go up since I have more time where I am bored, and I just say, fuck it roll one.

  14. Smoke what I smoke every day and you'll get it.
  15. Yeah dirtyB you got the idea. When you smoke all day and not just little half bowls or 1-hitters you get good tolerance. I can take 4 or 5 hits and feel relaxed, but to even say I'm high wouldn't be true. Usually 2-3 bowls or a blunt gets me good. And that'll be a few times a day with little bowls throughout. As for the guy that said smoking 2 G's a day is a waste, that's like saying eating more than you need to survive is a waste. Yeah it might be but when you've got the money for it, who gives a fuck?
  16. Smoking 2 g's a day is not a waste if you're high and enjoying yourself :smoke:

  17. Yeah man I smoke 2-3 times a day usually. Sorry I don't do it more man but there's more to life than just getting "super baked" all day. I'm not some guy who blows all his money on half an oz every week and just smokes it like crazy. I got other shit in my life to do than just getting high.

    You still can't deny the fact that because you smoke insanely large amounts of weed everyday, you need more and more for you to actually feel something. Call me an idiot, but I'm not the one that needs 2gs of weed to actually get high.

  18. Dude you just said in your first post that you smoked 2-4gs every day for the past 2 months.
  19. [quote name='"Spark It29"']

    Dude you just said in your first post that you smoked 2-4gs every day for the past 2 months.[/quote]

    You can stretch weed throughout the day and still smoke that much... its just more often. Some people smoke a few times a day, others smoke literally all day. Just depends. Both say "yeah I smoke all day" but really there's a difference between all day and a few times.

  20. You're right, if you have the money why not. I don't have unlimited money for weed so that may be why I have such a conservative approach to this. But I also have a strong opinion that smoking .5 - 1g is just as good as smoking 2gs. I feel that for me, there's a point where I'm not feeling higher.

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