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Tolerance Break Question

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by AuntMary, Jan 15, 2010.

  1. well i have been smoking more than i usually do lately and ive noticed that it takes me longer to get high and my highs dont last as long so i was considering taking a T-break. how long do i have to take a t-break for it to be effective. i was thinkin 2 weeks.. any insight?
  2. eh, two weeks you will just go right back to a high tolerance (done that a few times and was left disappointed), three - four weeks and the THC is out of your system, much more efficient.
  3. I took a 12 day T break once. I think I noticed a difference for 1, maybe 2 sessions. Was pointless.

    Currently on another T break right now, this one will last 30+ days
  4. tell us how frequently you smoke and how much you smoke a session...
  5. I smoke like a chimney and 2 weeks is effective for me, but I also have a fast metabolism and fairly low body fat. 2 weeks is the minimum I'd say for it to be worthwhile, but of course going longer will make it more worth the effort. Plus you can save up money to get the stickiest of the icky when you finally end your break!

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