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Tokingg Tools

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by pokealotasmot0, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Alright so i am relitavely new ive smoked about 10 or so times.
    yesterday i was hotboxing with a couple of guy friends and another girl.
    and this could pulled out this tool i didnt take a picture of it but i want to buy one like it so im just gonna give you a description of it:
    its like a pipe
    but long it looks like a test tube but you hold it sideways the bowls on top and the hole is at the end.
    Pipes are fine but the thing that i like about it is the fact that the mouthpiece is really big kinda like a bong, but smaller. Where can i get one.
  2. a chillum?
  3. sounds like one i think most headshops would sell em
  4. It sounds like a chillum or a steamroller.
  5. sounds like your talkin about a steamroller to me
  6. Yea most likely a chillum.

    is this the culprate?

  7. def. sounds like a steamroller. did you put your hand over the end to milk/ clear it?
  8. he says the bowls on top, thats not a chillum thats definitely a steamroller
  9. Yea imma girl...just sayin but yeah im thinking itsa steamroller but the end isn't open it closes and there's just a little hole... but im justt gonna gt a glass pipe or a bubbler
  10. your talking bout a steamroller, which fucks you up ;)

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