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toking with a cold:/

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by rastarish206, Jan 31, 2011.

  1. so i'm basically an everyday toker right now but a couple days ago i came down with a nasty cold. i still wanna get baked since now i'm sitting home alone while everyone else is at work/school but idk if its worth the possible sore throat. i would make edibles to avoid this but i dont have enough bud/money at the moment and i've never had good luck with cooking the herb. has anyone ever been in this same situation? i would really appreciate the tips
  2. i would just take small rips from a bong. Should do the trick. Should make you feel better actually.
  3. you just gotta take what you can handle. i see toking with a cold is like when you first starting toking in terms of it hurts your throat.

  4. aight thanks man, yeah when i first started blazin i would get a sore throat/sick every single time lol but i chalk that up to the fact that we would always smoke out of some ghetto shit back in the day like receipts and water bottle bongs with aluminum foil bowls

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