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Toking question

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by PopcanPipe, Aug 10, 2012.

  1. I have a serious marijuana question... I've toked alot (almost everyday) for two years and every time I hit a bong or lung or gb or any kind of bowl type smoking device I cough an extreme amount, like an unbelievable amount, and my friends who smoke ALOT less than me (once a month or less) make fun of me for it. I way roughly fifty pounds more than them and I'm like a foot taller than them (pretty much a beast compared to them) so I could easily fuck them up and I've thought about it, but they're the only friends I have and I love them. No homo. I usually just explain to them that my hoots are massive compared to them, but I was wondering if there was a way I could like excercise my throat or do something before I toke? If it helps none of them have their tonsles and I do. Please help.
  2. Nah man your good, sounds like they're bitchin because you can take way bigger hits
  3. Hahahahahahaaaaahaa
  4. Yeah. My hits are like biggest I've ever seen and it doesn't even look like they inhale. It just pisses me off, but I was wondering because it also makes my throat hurt and I can't smoke anymore once it hurts too much.
  5. Lol damn bro your taking it that seriously, I'm sure there just kidding.
  6. So you were gonna fuck your friends up for poking fun?
  7. His main concern here was his coughing, not his friends.. You should maybe take small hits if you want to smoke longer periods of time?
  8. Yeah man just try taking smoother hits...or maybe they have a shitty bong.
  9. Thanks, I hadn't noticed that was his concern after I read it.
  10. My friends are like "you're such a bitch, only thing you do is get stoned and you even suck at that" then they'll start moving into deeper shit from their and they'll start actually saying shit that cuts deep. I realise now they're just fucking around, but I still don't like it. Anyways that's not the point. I wanna know if theres some magical cure for the destructive feeling in my throat, like sucking on ice, or salt or mixing something with the weed.
  11. Try drinking ice water between hits or any cold drink really. Usually when my throat starts to burn I just sit the bowl down for a few minutes

  12. use a bong with ice catchers?
  13. You could deep throat your friends to practice your throat muscles to handle hits better and they get a happy ending, win-win for everyone involved
  14. So just like, drinking cold water and put ice in the bong is really the only thing I can do?

  15. just because that's what you did does not mean every else is up for that too.

  16. Hahahah. If that's you're thing man, but I'm not into that shit.
  17. [quote name='"PopcanPipe"']So just like, drinking cold water and put ice in the bong is really the only thing I can do?[/quote]

    Or hitting a well percolated bong, maybe try vaping? I'm not a fan but some people love it
  18. I knew a guy who was high every time I saw him and he always coughed from a bong because he milked that shit until it was yellow. just depends on the hits and how much oxygen your lungs need
  19. I don't have a job so I can't afford a vape. I guess I should worry about getting a job before I worry about my weed smoking habits.
  20. [quote name='"PopcanPipe"']I don't have a job so I can't afford a vape. I guess I should worry about getting a job before I worry about my weed smoking habits.[/quote]

    Haha I guess you could put it that way

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