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Tokin Daily!

Discussion in 'General' started by The Crunge, Mar 27, 2012.

  1. I've seen his videos, seems like seems like a cool dude :D
  2. not gonna lie, he looks like a bum
  3. Im subbed to him, don't watch him everyday, I hate his beard with a passion and I would never blaze with him, he seems like a total weed snob, like if I offer anything subpar to the stuff he gets he'll just say nah I don't wanna smoke or something.
  4. Lol, you guys are so quick to judge somebody that you haven't met :D

    Yeah I recently subbed to the guy, known about him for a while though.
  5. Really? He doesn't come off like that to me, however, Chubbs and the ccc420 guys do.
  6. ^ yeah I wouldn't smoke with them either, maybe some of ccc but idk I feel like they'd be dicks
  7. haha- to be honest, if it is blatant flat out shwag and somebody warns me as such i may turn it down but chances are i will still take a small puff at least once.
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  8. [quote name='"tokinGLX"']haha- to be honest, if it is blatant flat out shwag and somebody warns me as such i may turn it down but chances are i will still take a small puff at least once.[/quote]

    Is this paul??

    And Love tokin daily, just discovered it. Love how chill he is and his beard of course. OH AND THE FUCKIN THEME SONG! <3
  9. [quote name='"DrSheldonCooper"']

    Is this paul??

    And Love tokin daily, just discovered it. Love how chill he is and his beard of course. OH AND THE FUCKIN THEME SONG! <3[/quote]

    It's NOT Paul unfortunately.

    I love his show with a passion though!
  10. He's pretty cool but I dont like him as a person,he looks like a bum and I dont think he represents pot smokers in a good way, however his words are wise and he is not ignorant
  11. [quote name='"BuddhistBrian"']

    It's NOT Paul unfortunately.

    I love his show with a passion though![/quote]

    Damn, haha. He is so chill. And yeah his show is fantastic. Love seeing some of those exotic strains he frequents.
  12. It's time for another mother fuckin dose, tokin daily's got another fuckin episode, he's high, his beard is very fly cut my off a peice of that shiskaberry pie yeeeahhhhh
  13. [quote name='"NotoriousCheech"']It's time for another mother fuckin dose, tokin daily's got another fuckin episode, he's high, his beard is very fly cut my off a peice of that shiskaberry pie yeeeahhhhh[/quote]

    Fuck yeah! Wish I could like on mobile app >. <

  14. Are you sure it isn't?
  15. #17 tokinGLX, Apr 3, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Apr 3, 2012
    yep. cheers!
    ¿ uh....yeah. i r paul, hi good to e-meet ya
    nope. they arent sure in the slightest of surednessdom

    was fairly certain that it was here on gc that somebody else had tried imitating me and yep, it has been done before:
  16. I call bullshit.
  17. you signed up on this site a year after i did. i call bullshit on you.

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