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toker freinds vs non toker freinds

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by foreverforum8, Feb 10, 2011.

  1. before i smoked, i was freinds with a group that didnt like smoking at all. now i have kind of left that group and everyone that i hang out with now smokes ganj. all my old freinds now look down at me for smoking and dont wanna hang out. this frightens me because if i get caught i will probably have to stop hanging out with all my toker freinds and no one else likes me. idk what to do and i dread the day i get caught and cant toke for a while because of this delema. for all you age police this may sound like im young but i am a senior in high school and im 18
  2. Hahaha this never happened to me because I use to be really unpopular and the "good" friends I hung out with who were like my only friends, smoked weed and got me into it, now I'm really popular with tons of friends, and all of em accept my weed smoking with no problem, I'm sorry to hear about ur situation, if u can't smoke for a while, that's no reason to stop hangin out with them, just avoid smoking, let them know ur trying to quit for awhile and u should be good
  3. Yeah Im friends with a wide variety of people and I encourage them all to try it atleast twice. You never really feel it the 1st time. If they dont like me because I smoke a herb during my downtime thats their loss not mine man. And about your problem just be yourself an interact with people chances are you will find a group man.
  4. i actually hear what your saying man. I have a group of friends who always put down me smoking weed. the thing is that those same pple talking shit about me smoking drink alcohol like it's water. I hate when people say they don't do drugs when they drink alcohol.
  5. If worst comes to worst and you get caught just sincerley apologize to your old friends. If they are shallow enough to judge you for a harmless habit then they arent very good friends in the first place. If your really worried about it then just start making friends, one of them is bound to not care whether or not you smoke dude. And dont be so pessimestic about it! Cheer up, chill with people you like, dont give a shit what other people think.
  6. If you are careful, you can avoid getting caught. Don't say "when I get caught" like its a sure thing
  7. whats a non toker friend?
  8. i used to be friends with the non-smoking people. then i converted a few of them. but one of them is a total bitch...she smokes with me and then goes to her non-smoking friends and talks about how bad smoking is. i feel like just blowing her spot up one day.
  9. Literally 90% of people in my high school smoke. I actually wish I had friends who didn't that I could hang out with if for some reason I can't toke.
  10. Is it just me or is everybody in this section "18 and a senior in high school?"

    OT: Don't plan on getting caught, and if you do then you only have a few months with these people left, and then you can make all new toker friends in college.
  11. This is happening with me also. I rather hangout with my stoner friends because they are generally more chill and can relate to me more... I still hangout with my non stoner friends when they drink but I like smoking more.

  12. haaaaaaa for some reason that made me lol!
  13. Just dont ever bring up weed with your other friends. If they dont smoke then dont incorperate it with them.
  14. i'm not :smoke:
  15. I'm friends with both people who smoke and people who don't. I just don't talk about smoking around the ones who don't. Its their decision not to and I can respect that. I think its good to have a variety of friends. Many of my smoking friends are stereotypical pot heads going nowhere in life, stoned 24/7. I love smoking whenever possible but I feel its important not to forget that having fun while sober is possible.
  16. Every person is completely different.Its not black and white which are better.Some are and some arent.
  17. this exact thing happened to me sophomore year of high school. i got caught and lost all friends for a bit. but i eventually made more friends
  18. With me, most of my friends were smokers, and the ones that were non-smokers have since become smokers. So, maybe keep ties with your old friends. Even if they disagree with you smoking weed, they should still be your friends. Just show them that you have your life in order and you know what you're doing, and obviously don't act like a stereotypical stoner that only wants to smoke with them, and they'll learn to accept you.
  19. I was in the exact same situation man. Cept I just denied smoking to my sober friends and hung out with them when I didn't/couldn't smoke.
  20. It was a transition for me. All my old friends that didn't smoke buds started smoking buds. I was actually one of the last ones to start.... So now we all smoke.

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