iunno about stains, all I can say is wash it well as for the smell, get a pack of gum like winterfresh or spearmint. open it and rub that powdery stuff all over the fingers, that should help
i just went into another large burst of uncontrolable laughter...icecream's "cut your finger off".....funny as shit!!...hahahaha...*ponders for a moment*..it..just..might..work!
well, you do have toes.. and your other hand! ;P but seriously, i don't know if you mean from just smoking, or from cleaning your bowl. i find that rubbing alcohol gets the nasty resin off my fingers pretty well when cleaning a bowl so i imagine it should work for stains from smoking(? i never got these?). it's harsh on your skin, but lotion can fix that and it's not as harsh as losing a finger!
you must smoke a LOT to actually get stains from it...try sandpaper...or bleach...or just smoke soooo much that the rest of your body stains to match....i vote for number 3
wow, two consecutive posts from namron and no mention of aluminum! Could it be he's off that kick? <dean> I DOUBT IT! </dean>
are you kidding, he's the biggest anti-aluminum nut i've ever come across... i bet he will respond to this with a slew of anti-aluminum propoganda. He's an anti-aluminite.