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Toke Before Bed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by nstyle, Feb 5, 2011.

  1. Quick! so i wanna get super stoned right now its 9 pm. Im gonna chill till 11, and then sleep, but i need to be up by 8:30 tomorow morning. Are the effects gonna wear off during my sleep, cuz i need to be sharp for this class i'm attending.

    I Need an answer cuz i wanna toke so bad now LOL

  2. you will be fine if you smoke at 5 in the mornning you would be good for 830 lol.. youll be fine dont worry
  3. Should be good if you're going to sleep around 11, I toke before bed every night and i'm only groggy the next morning if I don't get enough sleep.
  4. You'll be fine, if not better. You'll have a nice sleep and amazing dreams which should relax you.
  5. You're fine, you may have a bit of a stone over in the morning, but nothing serious.
  6. Just dont make it a habit, or you may end up depending on it for sleep.

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