Today was poopy

Discussion in 'General' started by User Name:, Jan 17, 2010.

  1. So I'm going to be a pussy bitch and whine about it here.

    When I got up this morning I found that my motorcycle had fallen on it's side where I'd parked it last because the kickstand sank. Cracked the fairing. Wouldn't be that big of a deal if I wasn't trying to sell it. I guess Ebay has good used plastics...

    I've had poison ivy for the past couple of months or so. Again, not a big deal. Unfortunately I realized today that it's somehow started spreading to my forehead and right eye. Pretty sweet right? I love a good burning sensation on my face.

    As it was getting dark I was pulling my dad's truck up to my house to go put some Technu on my poison ivy and sank it in the mud in my driveway. When the bumper is on the ground you've sunk it pretty deep.

    Being sober reminds me that I want drugs.

    Oh yeah, I'm out of budski and broke.
    That doesn't really help today's overall vibe a whole lot.

    How has everyone's day been?
  2. Much better than yours my friend. I'm sorry to hear your day was bad. There are nerve pills that are small and white that disolve under your tounge (notsure what the name is) but they work WONDERS for poisin Ivy
  3. I'll have to check that out. All and all it really wasn't that bad, life is just weighing on me at the moment.

    I'm glad you've had an alright sunlight. lol
  4. sorry to hear about the shitty day broski.
    mine was booing, didnt leave the house, didnt smoke.
  5. been pretty okay here, just opened my first beer as I watch the football games and (hopefully)win some $$.:hello:

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