Today I took Adderal and it totally changed my life, or at least it felt like it did.

Discussion in 'General' started by yttan9, Aug 7, 2007.

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  1. Ahh., the joys of adderall. That shit can make you learn a college term in one sitting. But exsessive prolonged use can really tweek you out so be careful. If your a student, keep some handy because they will really help you on a night before a test craming. With adderall you can learn anything at lightning speed.
  2. Sadly, I will never be able to enjoy adderal like you guys do, becasue I have ADD and whenever I take it I get the opposite effects of that :(.
  3. anyone who feels that they slow down and understand more about life and whatever need to understand that they them selfs have signs of ADD/ADHD/sleeping disorders. Adderall is a stimulant and you are to feel up, like a coke/meth up. So if you feel that adderall slows you down, than you should go get some b/c most likely have something wrong.
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