I woke up and remembered i get paid today! I was like this; So, i get onto my bank account and see my check has been deposited.... 61.81 (I made 53 dollars) That's when i went: Alright, i am going to ask my boss today if there is any chance she can schedule more hours for me, but i wanted to hear ways to approach it from some of my fellow blades. The only real reason that i want some better ways is because i'm pretty sure she hates me. I get 8 fucking hours a week while all my coworkers have at least 11+ hours.
Part time. Yeah, it's fucking stupid. I should have more hours, considering i do ALOT for them. Like, going above and beyond my coworkers.
After the approach; Boss what I really wanted to talk to you about was my job performance. I feel as though I am exceeding your expectations, but perhaps I am missing something due to the hours being reduced. Are there things you would like me to be more attentive to or can I assist in bringing my co-workers up to your standards? I really need to get in more hours in order to provide for my basic necessities. Or words to that effect.
Actually, it's not so obvious. Maybe where you guys live there is a bunch of opportunities, but here the chances of finding a job are very low. Also, I really like my job and the people I work with, minus the pay. How often can someone say they like what they do?
8 hrs a week is a joke, if my performance was good, like you say yours is, id ask nicely for some more hours and if he said no id be outta there in a second, i can make that much lookin through my couch anyways
See, i like it. I don't just want to quit. Unlike most people where I'm from, I actually have a job (even if the hours are shit). I think I'm just going to be like, "Boss, i would really like some more hours so if you have a chance to look over the schedule and see if it's possible I'd really appreciate it." That's nice, right?
Damn. I do nothing at my job except dribble a basketball (I'm my college's basketball manager) and I get paid stacks. Oh well, better for me lol. Hopefully some of my good luck rubs off on you
yea thats a good way to go about it, simple and to the point. I posted before i read that you liked the job, by all means then dont quit.
You should do crafts in your spare time to sell on Craigslist, eBay, general internet. Even better for you if you get a discount on supplies. Be your own part time boss.
I've actually thought of this. I make hemp necklaces and candles. I would love to get an online store going. I've sold a fuckton to friends and their friends.
Thats sick I might just apply at our local crafts store, i cant believe i haven't thought of that considering im an artist. Dont quit, especially if you love it. Finding a job is hard enough, finding one you actually like is almost impossible. I work 8 hours a week as well because of school and i dont have enough money for my necessities currently, but unlike you i dont have the time for extra hours. Luckily freelance gigs are keeping me up.
I'd just go and explain to her, that you would like to do more hours, mention that you have aspirations of owning a similar shop and want to gain as much experience. I wouldn't make it just a conversation about money, people get bored of hearing it. Appeal to their good nature. If they don't take that, then what have you lost? No possibility of working a second job, either?