so i work for an inbound call center for sprint, and today i got a call where this lady (she sounded like an older lady)wanted me to trouble shoot her phone. and what she told me was.... "im an idiot, and i know im an idiot but this is whats up, ive had this phone for a long time now, but tonight i was partying a little and i smoked a joint and decided to play with the phone and some how i got it stuck on security...." so while i troubleshooted her phone, she proceeded to go on and on about how she had partied and how if everyone smoked pot i would never receive an angry call, no one would yell, and no one would cuss at me! hahahaha. it might be as funny to you as it is to me, but i just got off work and decided i needed to share my day at work. this phone call actually turned my day around.
they do monitor and record our phone alls, so the only thing i said was "no judgment here maam i am sure that if the whle world did that there would be no anger!" lol