
Discussion in 'General' started by kcorknupypparc, Dec 4, 2006.

  1. So I'm dry right now and I was wondering if I unrolled cigaretts and smoke it through a bong would it give me a bigger buzz or is it just a waste of time.
  2. I would definitly give you a bigger head rush.


    Tobacco bong rips.
  3. Tried it, have fun destroying your throat. Hurts like a mother fucker.
  4. If you're going to do that, please use pipe tobacco.
  5. if you are going to do next to a toilet to fucking puke in, ewwwwww.
  6. I dont get this comment.
  7. i can't even think about taking a big ass bong rip of tobacco, im pretty sure i would puke.
    just sounds absolutely disgusting IMO.
  8. That's why you wouldn't rip it.

    shallow water and small tokes, don't pull the choke.

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