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Tobacco:Cannabis ~ Polar Opposites?

Discussion in 'Seasoned Marijuana Users' started by Bucky, Jan 26, 2010.

  1. Hello seasoned tokers, I tend to stay in the activism part of the forum but I though I would share my thoughts on tobacco vs. cannabis, in the media and such I hear a lot of things that commonly compare Cannabis to Tobacco, but I believe they are nearly opposites of each other.

    I just thought I would share my thoughts on the vast differences between the two, since some of these these are all trivial items they don't really benefit activism to much, but I really would like to share my opinion and get feedback.

    Some of this information is based on me using tobacco for rolling and/or manufacturing my own cigarettes.

    1. Cannabis is always green, Tobacco is consumed when it's brown.
    2. Cannabis is great when its really dried, tobacco isn't.
    3. Cannabis is great when it's fine and powdery, with tobacco this isn't the case.
    4. Tobacco causes cancer, Cannabis is referred to those with cancer.
    5. Tobacco has killed many, Cannabis killed 0 (zero) total.
    6. Tobacco (Non-Menthol) leaves a nasty taste in your mouth, Cannabis does not.
    7. Tobacco is addictive, cannabis is not. (Physically)

    This is just a few and actually I would like to add more if anyone would like to share, remember though I want to know how they are opposite of eachother.
  2. yeah man it's so fucked up the situation that we're in isn't it.

    I have a friend who smokes tobbacco, drinks straight whiskey regurarly and then proceeds to critisicise me for smokind bud.

    another point I noticed is that people who start smoking, most don't like the taste the first few times. People who start smoking bud, or from my experience anyway, love the taste.
  3. I don't think you ever actually enjoy the taste of tobacco, I do have it listed in my list as #6. I think what it is, is after a time a regular smoker gets used to the taste.
  4. Weed always leaves a nasty taste in my mouth
  5. if you dont like the taste of weed, it just means you need to buy better weed/clean your piece. dank weed smoked out of a clean pipe is amazing.
  6. take a nice clean bong and rip some dank weed. you can't tell me that tastes bad.

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