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Toastytoast's pickup thread.. dank bud, glass and whatever else!!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Stash Box' started by toastytoast, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. So here are some of my recent pickups/seshs etc etc :smoking:

    Hempstar ready to get grinded up


    Yukon Gold!! some buds from the oz


    A joint of Yukon ready to go


    Used these Swan papers to roll it, oh and some gin and tonic :cool:


    More to come soon.. keep tokin GC!

    Some of the best bud Ive had, amazing body high and smells amazingg. pics barely do it justice. Got a quad of it in Toronto. Great long story involved maybe ill post real life stories section. Very slight hints of purp, not in the buds pictured tho.


  3. dank bud man, how much did that grinder run u?

  4. Got it for like $20 ish off ebay. Its a chromium crusher 4 piece. Works very well..

    andd some new bud!!

    Pineapple Express!!

    Lol dont really believe the name but has a really nice fruity smell kinda pineapple in a way, also got me really ripped, awesome head high

    Easily one of my top 5 buds, just great stuff, very smooth, and so crystally

    Pics barely do it justice, my camera really sucks, these are the best I can do



  5. All those buds look top notch man, I know you're enjoying that.

    More of a vodka man myself.:D
  6. Mmmmm I toke on all these buds and fucking love it.

  7. Thanks, and vodka is great but Bombay Saph gin is just way too good loll

    Haha yeah man, great times
  8. Quad pickup of Sugar Berry
    Lovin this stuff, will be grabbin much more soon
    Great hybrid although more indica, amazing high, severe couchlock lol
    Cross of Grimm Sugar Blossoms and Blueberry
    Smells fruity and tastes awesome too



  9. I spy some nice Hash!!

  10. Looks tasty and beautiful and dank. Especially that hasshhhh whewee!
  11. nice pickups. i really need a camera.

  12. yeahh pretty nice having pics of all your pickups..
    anyway just picked up an oz of two different strains.. will be posting soon
  13. Wow dude, the first page alone is fucking wicked. Nice pickups dude. PK is bomb, ive been smoking that abit as well because some of my buddies have been getting it.

  14. Dude I know, I just got some amazing purple kush its got a strong sweet smell, and deep relaxing body high. Definitely some of the best herb i've ever smoked. horrible cellphone pictures though =/.





    I'm so stoned right now :smoking:

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