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To vape or not to vape?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Trinomial, Jan 14, 2010.

  1. That is the question.

    I've been researching vaporizers all night and have gotten mixed messages about a few things.

    Here is what I am looking for:

    I want a THC delivery system that won't stink too much. I've used bongs for two years and it stinks up the house, stinks up my clothes, etc. What has a more discreet smell? I've read some articles and posts stating that vaporizers are odorless, some people say it smells like popcorn, etc.

    What does it smell like? And how far-reaching is the smell? I live in an apartment now and I don't want neighbors to smell it; I can't toke on the balcony because it faces the parking lot, and the ventalation system here sucks. It smells like someone has been smoking cigerettes in here when a neighbor smokes indoors...

    So what's the deal with vaporizers?

    I am checking out Da Buddha. Any advice?
  2. Buy one. You will not regret it. I just splurged and got one of these:Buy a SSV - Silver Surfer Vaporizer for $250 at my head shop the other day. The smell is a lot less than a bong, more efficient, and just an overall cleaner high I think. And I've smoked far less bud in the last 3 days since getting it.
  3. Vapor isn't completely scentless, if you smoke weed you will most likely know but if they smoke then you wont have a problem. If you run it too hot then it smells like popcorn and taste like it as well. I love vapeing I actually wish I did it more than I do. I'd suggest either the Arizer's the Extreme or a Volcano, both are high quality vaporizers unlike the cheaper ones. I currently own a Easy Vape its nice, but I wish I would of spent the extra money now.

    I vote get a vape. :smoking:
  4. I've been interested in a vaporizer but there's just something more fun about smoking straight up leaf with a flame :D. I'd try it though, I've head mixed opinions as well. They're costly too.
  5. #5 aero18, Jan 14, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 14, 2010
    I own the Da Buddha, two VaporGenies, the Launch Box, and the MyrtleZap. I have some experience with vaporizing (and smoking), and I have got to say that vaporizing kicks the ass out of smoking. The high is more enjoyable and doesn't make you feel groggy. It is clean and one of the healthiest ways to enjoy cannabis. You don't cough up blood and tar that you can get from consistent smoke inhalation.

    That being said, you will enjoy a MyrtleZap more than the Da Buddha. It is more efficient (the most efficient vaporizer on the market) and feels more personal. It is wooden so you have to smother in oil/bees wax and looks 'richer' in time. The MyrtleZap wood is amazing too.

    Vapor smell is like the smell of fresh bud, but as you continue to roast the herb it becomes more and more like roasted nuts/popcorn-ish. It is a pleasant smell and does not linger. If you are vaping in your own apartment, you never have to worry about the smell.
  6. Aero, do you have any reliable online vendors you can link me for the myrtlezap?

    How often to you have to oil it? and is it an easy operation? I'd be really annoyed with myself if I destroyed by misuse. Sorry for all the questions, but vaporizers are new to me.
  7. Whats the cheapest best vape around for us poor people that you may be able to recommend?
  8. just make a vaporizer out of a light bulb! if you are broke.

    But to answer the question, DEFINITELY INVEST IN A VAPORIZER if you can afford it!! In my opinion, the vap tastes kinda like peanut butter, maybe its just the pure clean taste of some good weed but im not sure where i get the taste of pb. And as for the smell, it is basically odorless. I was living in the college dorms last year and I smoked in the R.A.'s room all the time with his vaporizer, and NOBODY ever questioned or ANYTHING, and the room was tiny!! so the smell is very minimal if at all, it is, afterall, VAPOR!! They are sweet, just be careful not to turn the heat up too much cuz it can still be pretty harsh sometimes!!!

  9. This guy covered most of it.

    Also, vaporizers really save you weed. <.1g gets me blazed off my ass, literally like i had just smoked a whole gram or two. I'm going to go from smoking like 5-7g a week to vaping around 2-3g a week. And I'll be healthier at the same time. :hello: I'll still smoke occasionally, mostly when i'm chilling elsewhere (although my vape is pretty portable, just need an outlet).

    I also LOVE the high from the vape. It just feels so clean and pure. I can concentrate much better and don't get all sleepy.

    Basically vaporizing removes pretty much all the negatives from smoking. There honestly is no reason not to save up for one, they are pricey but pay for themselves with the bud you'll save.

  10. If you turn the heat up too much you combust the weed and are basically smoking it. I think the general method is to start at a lower temp and increase it a little as you vape. All depends on the vape too, temps will vary wildly. I use 300-360, start at 300 and heat it up slowly after a few hits.

  11. yessirr :) i was at a dudes house at school and he had it at 400...shit was ridic!!
  12. i got a DBV and I love it. doesn't really smell unless you blow the weed into the heater, which sucks. and mids still work in it, i can vape some of those and get blazed, or smoke twice as much and feel buzzed for like a minute. i've vaped with my parents upstairs, and they haven't said anything.
  13. Go sign up on (a vaporizer forum). There you'll find many reviews and even be able to talk to people who make the vaporizers!

    If you are looking into the MyrtleZap (which you totally should get!!!), you can buy it from and email Rick (the inventor) about what specific type of wood you want or if you want to have a light on it or whatever. You will also be able to check out user pictures and videos.

    It costs $145 (no tax, shipping included) on If you are a member of fuckcombustion, Rick will include a free vapor tube with it (3 in total)!

    Again man, you will love this thing. The taste is amazing and you get absolutely blasted off of .025 grams. It is fucking EFFICIENT!

    Note: Don't look at the pics from the MZ website. The site is outdated. Check out the forum for pics and videos.
  14. I saw you can get a stem with or without a hole. What kind do you use and does it make a difference in efficiency?


  15. This is easily the best part of vapes. Well, the smell thing is great for stealthy smoking, but the high you get from just one bowl is amazing. I barely even need .25g to get 3-4 people higher than they have ever been.
  16. I ordered the MZ yesterday. We'll see how it is. :)

  17. Post up a review and pics! I will order a 13.5 volt AC adapter for it soon. Did you buy one with the package?

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