To top or not to top, that is the question.

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by vannabis, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. If there is no space limitation, does it make sense to top the plant at all or just let it grow to its fullest height? Does topping provide bigger yields?

    Thanks for any feedback
  2. I would imagine if space is no issue it would all depend on whether you want one massive cola or two, four, six(not usually advised) smaller colas.
  3. have you had any experience with the amount of yield that is produced? will the single large cola yield as much as 4 smaller colas. obviously the outcome is to produce the most yield possible so for my next harvest I am deciding whether or not to top.
  4. I would say you could probably get more out of topping once maybe twice, but i would advise doing all of your topping in the veg. some say to top a week or two into flowering but i dont necessarily agree, when you top your plant it slows its growing down for a while. you dont want it slowing down while you're trying to get it to produce buds do you. i will top just to keep different strains at the same level but also always allow them time to establish their new upward stalks before flowering(those are what will become your multiple colas) so you want them to get as much growing in as possible before you switch to 12/12 so they can just make you buds. hope i was able to help you some, i definitley prefer topping because i feel i can get a lil extra bud. one gigantic ass cola never looks too bad either tho.
  5. It will depend on the strain also. Some strains respond very well to topping, some don't. You might do some research on your particular strain and see what is said.

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