i'm 20. my brother's 18. we both have good jobs and go to college. we both also smoke weed. what i want to do is explain to my parents that we smoke, and for them not to go crazy about it. my dad honestly, doesn't give a fuck as long as we got our shit straight. my mom is a crazy religious christian mom who thinks the fuckin world is going to end any day now and she flipped out on my cousin cause he was smokin weed. what i want is basically to be able to smoke in my crib without a fuckin problem. im positive nobody has had a mom like my mom but everybody has crazy parents nowadays.. so to those who pulled it off.. cause i know you are on here.. how the hell do your parents let you burn in your crib with your friends and shit.
Why would you want to tell them? Don't ask, don't tell. Good policy for cannabis use if you ask me. And if somebody mentions The Union, I swear I'm going to have a brain hemorrhage.
Back when I was 13 I straight up told my mom that I smoked and her complaining about it woulden't change the fact that I'm going to smoke no matter what. She accepted the fact that she coulden't stop me and never bothered to argue about it. Then talked her into letting me smoke in my room by the time I was 14. Used the old "Alot harder to get caught smoking inside than being outside where people can smell it" speech and how they could call the cops and so on. She bought it and then I was the only one out of 4 kids to ever be allowed to smoke inside .
Very true. I love the movie, personally, but it pisses me of now when somebody mentions The Union as the end all and be all of dealing with parents and weed. It isn't. I tried it with my parents a while back, and guess what, it didn't work. Your parents will already have their minds set, and pretty much nothing will change their opinion on the matter, unless they're very weak willed.
If you think your mom is going to make a big deal about it then don't tell her. I don't find getting bitched at worth telling them I smoke. I'd rather just hide it from them. If your dad is chill with him take a bowl into a room he's in and ask him to spark up. Haha. But if you do tell them you smoke, then props to you. I wouldn't ever openly admit that to my parents. They found out on their own and things are chill so I'm happy with how things are. goodluck!
Just if you are going to tell just don't drop your brother in shit if he's not ready to tell. Some parents are just too set in their ways only way to find out is to tell them but when mine found out I didn't get a chance to explain myself they were just too upset and disappointed. Now I just keep my cannabis use away from them and the house just easier that way
Keep it to yourself, get your own places, and smoke inside whenever you want. If your mom already has her mind set about it she wont change her views. Stupid prohibition, if the truth was told we'd all be in a better mind set.
OP it's not like your parents are stupid, they probably know. But since they don't have any confirmation they just keep their mouth shut. My mom probably knows, but it's my business and mine alone. I say nothing, she asks nothing. It keeps our relationship from having another thing to bitch at me about. Basically, moms are crazy and will blow everything up into some big thing for nothing. Whether their crazy religious or not. Unless your mom already smokes, then I'm jealous.
My parents use to smoke back in the day and I remember seeing then smoking many times through out my childhood. I didn't start smoking till I was 19 and my mom was kinda upset at me when she found out but my dad didn't care at all. She never told me to stop smoking or anything and that was a year ago. Now I smoke in my room all the time and she doesn't care anymore cause she can see that I'm just as productive as I used to be before I smoked. But good luck man, everyone parents are different.
tell her that youre a fucking adult now and its your decision. you smoke pot and there isnt shit she can do about it. victory. and if she is so ignorant to keep wasting her breath complaining, then i dont know what to do. my mom decided that she loved me more than she disliked me smoking marijuana and accepts it as a part of my life now; and we get along better than we ever did when i was under 18 and hiding what i did in my spare time from her. if she chooses to not smoke pot, then good for her, she doesnt have to, but you want to and if she cant accept you for who you are and what you do then she is only going to drag you down.
There will be no way that you will convince your parents that Bud is good. They have an idea and they will stick by it. Why would you even want to disappoint your parents by telling them this?