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To those who have worked in video production, how often have jobs drug tested?

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by iPowers, Apr 14, 2023.

  1. I'm super curious to ask this because now that I got laid off from my job cause of marijuana, my biggest worry about smoking is having drug tested despite that it's recreational in Arizona. I have heard that video production/visual effects/audio/ jobs tend to not drug test, but I'm only believing the word of mouth of that source and wanted to see if anyone else has been through similar that either works in the video/audio realm of things or worked for a a video/audio company in some other field (ex. Secretary, accountant, HR, etc.).
  2. Man. If Visual Arts jobs drug tested they'd lose most of their workers and no
    Visual Arts would be produced. There are certain industries that have to tolerate
    a little weed use or nothing would get done.

    I'd imagine as long as you don't show up stoned on your first day, they wouldn't
    care what you do on your own time.

    Just my opinion, mind you. Being as I've never actually worked in the business.
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  3. I'm in the Biz, check the film sub forum, tho in Europe,
    I can attest everyone I know (1000's) who draws a salary whatever, are serious toker's
    as the cliché goes like handing out speed tickets at the Indy500,
    every day I'm asked if I can help out?
    often I do ...that said I still after years keep some clean pee in my locker at work,
    submitted only after chastising the query about the right for 'human rights to privacy'
    I've also been an airline pilot, again with clean pee, they don't toke so much as drink heavy duty free booze
    the perk? is naturally the airline hostess/stewardess's

    good luck
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  4. This is good to know! I've heard the industry doesn't drug test often and given I live in a state where it's recreational, I wasn't sure cause it seems like people still get discriminated for it at times yet if someone did the similar behavior with alcohol, people wouldn't care. Doesn't make sense to me as to why at this point it's not consistent; at least in the states/countries where it's legal recreationally anyways.
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