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To those who have made oil successfully,

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by ajkuebel, Jan 28, 2010.

  1. My friend and I are planning on making brownies using oil instead of cannabutter this Friday with either a half or an O of mids.

    Her and I are wondering:

    How do the brownies taste if the oil's used instead of cannabutter? Can you tell?


    What is your key to making sure that the weed is fully infused into the oil?

    From my own research I've read that it could be as short as 25 minutes (Link:, and somewhere else that it could also only take 45 minutes (Link:

    For some reason, that just seems too short to me.

    If any of you guys have input, I'd appreciate it! Thanks!
  2. Taste: Unless your oil mixture is burnt the taste is just as satisfying.

    Infusion: Total simmering time, can be reached at 30-45 mins but I recommend up to 2 hours, anything past that I have never noticed any change (ie potency).

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