To speak

Discussion in 'Religion, Beliefs and Spirituality' started by pickledpie, Feb 21, 2014.

  1. When we speak we seek acknowledgement.
    We always want to say something, and we always want somebody to listen.
    Sometimes we want to be teacher and acknowledge ourselves as such. Affirm such a thing through the replies of others. 
    Sometimes we want to leave a mark. This feeling exists in us all. We want to leave a mark.
    What if we spoke to affirm others? To encourage others? When we speak to our loved ones, we wish for their happiness and sometimes lie for that purpose.
    To speak is to leave your mark. When the purpose is to not leave a mark, then goodness results. The greater effort put into leaving a mark, the greater the potential for bad results.
    These are just thoughts to myself I guess.

  2. What about to not speak? The less we try, the less potential for positive results.
    You stick your neck out, fumbling in the darkness. The infectious condition is to feel disheartened when you don't receive the acknowledgement you were seeking.
  3. I think that in speaking we create expectations about the effect of the speech. In attachment to these expectations we suffer. We pursue something we failed to do, instead of pursuing the ultimate expression from heart.
    Through speech with the purpose of leaving a mark, the mark should be left in pureheartedness, where a particular reception is not the goal, the goal is in simply delivering a part of yourself. Even though that part of yourself is transient, as thoughts always change. It's like giving others an insight into your own progress.
    In reception of speech, we should do so with respect and understanding. We should indulge that mind, which seeks to grow.

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