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To Smoke or Not To Smoke

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Shaded Fury, Oct 8, 2010.

  1. So it's 4am, I don't have to get up at any time tomorrow, I have just enough to pack a fat ass bowl in my Double-0 bong. Should I light up and blaze my way out into the night?
  2. I doubt many people on a forum dedicated to appreciation of MJ are going to tell you not to smoke, so definitely go for it.

    EDIT: You could pack a little, get baked, crash, and then wake and bake tomorrow with the rest.
  3. Go for it. Just smoked a blunt with my hubby and since he's sleep about to roll another one!
  4. Ah Mocha I wish I could join ya since your hubby is down for the count. I just packed and lit up. Sooo good.
  5. I just decided to burn a joint real quick, and now to sit back and get lost in some Fl0yd. I'd say go for it, make it known that you in fact want to kick it!
  6. to smoke, or not to smoke, is never a question :)!
  7. to smoke, or not to smoke. that's not even a question!

    ..... and highlikethesky beat me... dammit!
  8. Haha yea I'm ripping this bowl hard.
  9. Yeah, I just burned one and now can't imagine sleeping soon. fuck.

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