That is the question.. I'm buying a game system on sunday and I'm pretty positive on getting a ps3, but all my friends have 360's.. any ps3 owners wanna shed some light on the subject please do
I'm on my ps3 now lol. All my friends have 360 as well but I said fuck it. I like the free network. I love the blue ray capability.
PS3 > 360 For sure man. My buddies has 360's and laughed when I got my PS3, then after playing it they all wanted one. Free online is a huge bonus already. Excellent graphics and games. Its definately the right choice man.
Love my 360 (sold ps3). If your big on online gaming I would definitely get a 360 as Xbox live is a ton better IMO. Sent from my iPhone 5 using GC Forum
I left 360 and bought ps3 and haven't looked back!!!! If u want to play with ur friends though get the system they have. I would never buy an Xbox again though. I had a total of 4 xboxs thank ful for warranty but they all broke Xbox can blow me
In my experience 360's online community is like 75% kids under 15, most of which are sleeping with my mom apparently. PS3 has a lot of kids too but not near as many as Xbox.
lol this is a bit true in a way.. i mean as long as you aren't spending your whole life on there, but hey everybody can live how they want. anyhow ive had a ps3 for 5 years i can say i have enjoyed it. My favorite games were call of duty 4 and call of duty world at war. Now a days the only thing that is disappointing to me is the new call of dutys. They just aren't much fun anymore imo. I would go with ps3. Just the fact alone that online is free and you get blue ray etc makes it a good purchase.