Where are you? What are you doing? Are you thinking about me? Do you miss me? Do you want to be with me? Do you know how much I want you? Did you know you drive me fucking crazy? Love me. Embrace me. Smile at me. Talk to me. Get close to me. Be near me. Comfort me. Stare at me. Glare at me. Whisper to me. Touch me. Caress me. Hold me. Kiss me. Embrace me. Impress me. Fight for me. Spend time with me. Do you still love me? Do you still want me now? Show me. Tell me how you feel. Talk to me. Be in love with me again. Long to be with me. Be sad over me. Cry over me. Miss me so much it hurts. Be in silence with me. Think about me every moment of the day. Let every love song you hear remind you of me. Dream about me every night. Let me be your last thought before you go to sleep. Think about me when you wake up. Call me on the phone. Text me. Show your love for me. BECAUSE, I LOVE YOU.
thats beautiful....I know what u mean completely, SO many questions u wanna ask, but you cant ask them and it hurts so badly. i split up with my boyfriend of 3yrs 2 weeks ago and i still cant eat, sleep... havent been out the house. He actually fucked me over completely with his lies. anyway enough rantin hope you finally get to tell that special person