So although I've been sexually active for almost four years. I had never given a blow job until very recently. I was worried I wouldn't be good at it but eventually I said fuck it. So I give my first BJ to my guy a couple days ago. Everything goes perfect and I'm cool with doing it now. I noticed he didn't kiss me after that though, which was odd because we usually always had a lonnnng making out session after sex. Always. I didn't think it was a big deal until this morning when I gave him another BJ. Went smoothly but again no kissy kissy, not even when I had to leave. What the fuck is that about? I mean I just had your giant penis in my mouth just to please you (okay I enjoy it too, but he definatly gets more out of it than I do) the least you can do is kiss me after. It's yours it's not like I just blew someone else. So anyways I'm not doing it until he gets over his childish bullshit. Am I right?
some people dont want to kiss afterwards. more of a discusting factor i guess. i dont mind it tho after a girl gives me a bj.
In defense of males everywhere, replace the words "giant penis" with "wet pussy" and get back to me on the whole "childish bullshit", OK? When it comes to understanding sexual actions and more importantly reactions, it's always best to put yourself in the other persons shoes.
I had a talk with my boyfriend about a year ago about kissing after either one of us going down on each other. This won't be the same for everyone since people have different views and feelings towards stuff. Our general outlook on it was, as long as our mouths weren't full of the others juices then it's made much much less horrible. Basically after you have sex and either one of you go down on each other you are pretty much tasting some of your own. So it can't be THAT bad since at some point its going to happen. But sadly the same can't be said about below the belt action before sex. Although by the time you have gone down on someone and then go forward with sex, how much of the other juices are REALLY going to STILL be in your mouth. If you feel that you don't supply enough saliva have a cup of water next to the table and have a little sip to get your glands flowing again. If you feel that it's bothering you in some way you should really just have a conversation about it. Communication is key for a relationship, you should never feel that you can't speak about something no matter the degree of it.
i have absolutely no problem kissin' a girl after getting dome. i mean seriously. it's the least i can do after getting oral. maybe i'm wrong lol.
FACT, he's not wrong. the only reason he's not kissing you is because you just had his dick in your mouth.. which is absolutely the stupidest thing i have ever heard.. jesus christ how old is your boyfriend?/ does he eat you out? if not, you shouldn't have given him the pleasure in the first place, that you miss out on from him... but the best thing you can do is not blow him anymore and TALK ABOUT IT...
If it's your girl it's cool cause you know you're the only guy she's blowing. But if this is some random girl then i'd suggest otherwise...
H Yea, you gotta give dome in order to recieve it.its only respect to smooch a chick when shes done. But brushing your mouth b4 you try is a def plus plus.
He has a point. I love to kiss my guy after oral and loves when he kisses me after oral.. but if it were a one time thing i wouldnt.. definitely wouldnt want to take a chance at catching an std- just my opinion.
I think so. Still sounds like childish bullshit to me..... I love to kiss a woman and suck my own flavor from her tongue.... So hott.... Would one be catching this std from themselves?
yes it could be from yourself lol, but i know a friend of my sister's who once got an std from giving some random guy head.. so it could happen!
You are BEYOND right, girl. Regardless, even before I was introduced to the amazing world of Mary Jane, I am a generally chill person. But THIS SHIT get's right up under my fuckin skin. "It's yours it's not like I just blew someone else." FUCKING THANK YOOOUUU !!! Bottom line... you suck his dick... he better eat that pussy like no other if he aint gun kiss you. **Huggs&&Nuggs**
I've always had a problem kissing my girlfriend after she blew me. The though of my cum in my own mouth skeezed me. As time has gone on I noticed she would like receiving oral less and less (not the actual action, just the thought of doing it) I think it's largely because I flat out refused to kiss her after head and told her it was disgusting. I think this passed it on to her the idea of wrongness. These days I'm on the rebound. I love giving her oral and would gladly kiss her after head if it meant we could share more pleasure together.
Ur pretty much obligated its a respect thing watch any porn and see how the male actor literally frenches the female actor after 10 minutes of dicksucking. I used to duck it lol but if you want your girl to love what you doing you gotta show her you still love her with your cum in her mouth even that should make her hotter. What better way to show that other than sucking back ur own juice for recycling?
I'm not even gonna read your post or that of others, cause I bet there are arguements, and that is not acceptable. Cause the answer is; Yes.