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To Grind or Not to Grind

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by fartsniffer, Nov 22, 2011.

  1. grabbed some not so-good tasting chronic

    so i am debating on throwing it all in a coffee grinder and grinding "the shit" out of it for all the thc it has and make crystal hash


    just sucking it up and smoking the schway


    anyone else done this before, or something different?
  2. grounding sounds like fun and if you're gettin all that THC then go for it!
  3. Yeah try to make hash out of it i guess, never smoke the schwag.
  4. How is the chronic schwag?....

  5. lol I was about to say the same thing...
  6. its not schwag, up in canada we call low-quality weed "schway". and im just gonna throw it all in the grinder and brush the crystal off and smoke that and put the thc-raped vegetation in a container until i can think of what to do with it.
  7. ????????????????????
  8. [quote name='"fartsniffer"']its not schwag, up in canada we call low-quality weed "schway". and im just gonna throw it all in the grinder and brush the crystal off and smoke that and put the thc-raped vegetation in a container until i can think of what to do with it.[/quote]

    How much did you get ?
  9. let me explain what i mean


    if you buy a electronic coffee grinder you can put your weed in there and grind it until all the thc gets stuck on the top of the grinder lid. you then brush that off with a unused toothbrush and get the thc. you can put it in a bag and then press it into quick hash.

    and now the scenario

    i have shitty weed and it taste like crap but its all i can get for the next couple days
    so i was asking for second opinions here if i should grind it all like i said above
    or just smoke the weed how it is.

    .. lol
  10. No man. That's not how it works.

    What you would have there would just be blended powdered bud not hash. The thc doesn't "get stuck to the lid."

    If you don't want to smoke it as is your best bet is probably quick wash iso.
  11. #11 DBV, Nov 22, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 22, 2011
    dry ice hash.


    (trim is just leaves so I'd say 3 ounces of trim=1/1.5 ounce decent bud)
  12. I'll smoke low grade weed. Weed is weed, you payed for it, just smoke it.
    I don't usually grind up the weed for bowls (hassle), but I always grind my weed for joints and blunts.
    I do like myself a nicely ground bowl of lettuce, though :)
  13. whats stuck on the lid will be mostly plant matter. you have to either us a solvent to extract the thc or use a screen (dry sieve hash). just grinding it will in no way seperate the thc from the plant matter. you would still be smoking the exact same thing, just ground

  14. Yeah that's how it goes.
    And the plant matter doesn't get stuck on the top of lid.
    It all goes down the bottom and it gets less stickier and stickier.
    The crystal off the bud gets stuck on the top of lid.
    As soon as you see the crystal and plant matter seperate, take it out.
    You will only get a tan crystal, and thats how they make finger hash.
    If you were here and smoking it with me, you would know what i mean.
    Taste like hash and its not green, so no plant matter.
  15. After you collect the kief, use the bud to make an edible like a firecracker.

  16. cook with it
  17. Roll up some blunts with it?
    It's still weed pal and you bought it
  18. Make some edibles or roll some blunts.
  19. Joints and blunts are your friend, edibles are always a good choice the high is different and it lasts a lot longer.
  20. but there is still a good amount of plant matter thats why if i grind coffee i still get coffee bean dust up in the lid, so by what you say that coffee dust is actually a concentrated form of coffee.

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