To find an area

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by Professor Brom, Feb 19, 2012.

  1. Hey guys.

    I started with my grow 5 days ago. Because I am growing this secretly, I need to find a place when it grows bigger.

    I had around 5 seeds, I germinated them with the paper towel trick and now some of them are like 1 inch long, and they are growing like crazy!

    Anyways, what I did was I put all five seeds into one pot because I didn't have any other place to put them. I have a spot close to my house, it's outdoors and the weather is getting better in here.

    I have three little plants showing up from the pot right now. The rain and the snow has ended, and the weather is starting to improve. It's very sunny right now and the temperature is like 10 celcius degrees, I know it's low for growing but it's going to get hotter soon.

    Now, I have a spot which is like desolated. There are some grass in there, and some unknown plants but it's empty. I don't know the soil there, what should I do?

    I thought of filling a pot with good soil, and then burying the pot into the unknown soil. How would this work?

    Do you guys have any other suggestions?

    Thank you.

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