To everyone: be happy

Discussion in 'General' started by gimpy121, Jan 18, 2010.

  1. Enjoy what you can while you can and no one can ever tell you have wasted your life. When you're done at the end of the day and someone asks you what you did, you can say I was happy and I made those around me happy. That should mean more than any amount of money or material wealth. Take pride in the influence you have on people and the happiness you bring them and enjoy every moment you can while you have it.

    If you have yourself a nice girl, take her out and show her a good time. It doesn't have to be dinner and a movie, it can anything that makes her smile, and you'll soon smile after if her happiness is what makes you happy (and I should hope it at least has an influence).

    If you prefer to stay inside and read a book, fill that cranial space with as much literature as you can stand and be proud of your achievements.

    If you write to stay happy and sane, fill every note book you can with your ideas and never give up on ideas and goals that seem too far out of reach to be possible. You never know where that story idea might take you
    As long as you do what it is you love, and as long as you make those around you happy you should not be unhappy.

    We all know that the world is a fucked up place. If you really are that concerned about it, go find a way to help. If you don't plan on trying to fix a situation, there's no need to be overly upset about the outcome. You shouldn't let the worries of others drive you into a state of depression. Appreciate the good qualities that you have at your disposal and don't be discouraged by the hurdles life may throw at you. Take them one by one and finish the race on your terms, but never give in early.

    Remember, no situation is ever bad, it is simply unfavourable.

    I've seen a lot of depression threads lately and thought that the City needed some cheering up.:wave:
  2. Thanks for posting this :D

    I got you when my rep recharges...given out too much today
  3. Absolutely god damn right. Cheers.

  4. Thanks guys! If you have anything to add feel free.. Let's keep this at the top so more people can feel the good vibes:D
  5. be happy cat man do. it feels amazing :smoke:
  6. bumping so more people can feel good:)
  7. wish it was that easy. what do you do when almost nothing makes you happy? this made me smile when i read it tho, so thanks
  8. this post made me feel happy :)

    so i shall go out this afternoon, smoke a blunt with my buddies, and make other happy. spread the love! one love :D
  9. Don't worry, be happy.

    All bout that hakuna matata:D

    [ame=]YouTube - Hakuna Matata[/ame]

  10. a lot of things in life bring me zero happiness, so i decided to change how i saw life, and instead of being pissed at stupid comments, i decided to use my intelligence to socially benefit myself. wether it be, simply being liked and charming, to invited to parties, or having someone smoke you up just because they really respect you.

    i changed who i wanted to be and what i expected / wanted out of life.

    this post reminded me i need to read more so i don't just waste my life, i enjoy it, i've been smoking and drinking too much, or simply cacooning myself away but in positive ways as well, i'm much more open minded, realized i should change things about myself before i expect the world to change for me. Music helped a lot, i really liked listening and relating or writing my own lyrics.

    have to create happiness, wether you know how or not, it's an art.
  11. i love lion king :D

    thanks for the video!!
  12. I prefer to wallow in self pity.
  13. Great thread, although sometimes it just gets hard to stay happy when shit just keeps getting worse but gotta deal somehow. Just put a smile on your face and do something to take a break from it all. I always got that 1 gbong before bed that always calms me down and lets me forget and have fun if I'm having a down day. Even if it's a happy day it makes it happier :)
  14. you are absolutely correct.
  15. #16 intergalactic, Feb 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 27, 2010
    life is too short not to be happy! enjoy every moment of it, my friend. :)

    don't dwell on the bad. looking for a brighter and better tomorrow!

    "we must remember that tomorrow comes after the dark" -tupac
  16. Thanks bro, I always try to do whatever makes me happy. I've been more optimistic as of late.
  17. My happiness is dependant on one extremely beautiful female. So far she's doing a horrible job, like completely rejecting me.
  18. Thanks everyone for bumping this up! I'm glad it hasn't totally died.

    Chin up everyone!

    Also, kudos for the lion king post:cool:
  19. That was beautiful my friend. That is my philosophy as well but you said it better than i ever could!

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