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To dry cannabis in dehydrator.

Discussion in 'Medical Marijuana Usage and Applications' started by Nikontraveller, Sep 30, 2023.

  1. Hi there from the Netherlands. Excuses for my basic English.
    Since this year I grew some cannabisplants. In about two weeks the tops wil be ready, I expect.
    From my plants I will make THC-oil. That means the whole plant will be used (exept the stems).
    I want to know if the dried tops from a dehydrator/oven will have the same THC levels compared with traditional drying method.
    In discussions the issue is over and over again "smoking" and taste. For oil this is no issue.
    What do you think and what experiences are there to share?
  2. I would be concerned that inside a dehydrator the temperatures might be too high, and might drive off some of the essence oils.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  3. Thank you for the reply. What max temperature would you suggest?
  4. I have always dried mine by hanging it upside down somewhere that gets a light breeze at around 25-27C.
  5. Nice temperatures there with you. We have during this time of the year 16-20C. What if I set de temperature of the dehydrator at 25C!
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  6. That should work.
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  7. There will be a marked difference in the profiles and effects / feel of a fresh plant and one done in a more traditional hang to dry and 60 minimum days in a jar cure. The fresh plant will be THC heavy, sharp and jittery with a side of anxiety. The jar cure will be a more laid back / mellow high as the rest of the minor cannabinoids mature in the jar contributing to the entourage effect.

    I make nearly all of what I grow into Hash / Coconut oil capsules, and I've tried several times to shorten the steps between harvest and capsule with repeated fails. Something vital and critical is lost when you rush things. Like a fine wine or whisky aging does something that simply can't be done any other way.

    While yes, most of the dry and cure is for the quality, taste and smell of the smoked product that isn't the full story. My 2 cents.
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