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To catch a thief...

Discussion in 'General' started by Dude Man, Oct 9, 2007.

  1. So someone in my dorm stole my copy of halo3 yesterday. I figured it was one of my friends playing some joke on me, but I still haven't found it, and whoever took it has been putting up pictures on my door showing the game in various places around campus. Now, I know it's just a game and all, but the fact of the matter is that it was stolen, and I want it back. Any ideas on how I can catch the guy? I have a feeling that whoever did it will be putting up more pictures on my door, so maybe I can use that to my advantage.
  2. set up a camera or just stand by your door and look out 24/7

    then beat the person who stole your game
  3. I would set up a hidden video camera in the hallway and aim it at your door, hook it up to your computer and just wait out the little fucker.

    Or, you can get a lock box and not leave your stuff out anymore, I wouldn't trust anyone in college dorms, hence why I commute and live at home. Hopefully it's just your friend fucking with you, but I'd tell the RA or whatever it's called on your floor.
  4. that's actually kinda funny.... Sucks for you, but still funny.

    I know how you feel tho... My pack of ciggs were jacked from my room, brand new pack too. Marlboro milds :( 2 axe bottles were also jacked and believe it or not the kief that was in my grinder was taken but not the grinder... just the kiefe...

    AND my 360 controller was switched out for a busted one while I was gone... I swear to god if I ever catch who this is I will fucking castrate the mother fucker.
  5. man just think about which one of ur "friends" is fuckin goofy enough to do stupid shit like that, then go to him and take whats yours. and if that person doesn't have it, im sure he knows who does.
  6. Hidden camera for sure.
  7. yeah, go for a hidden camera.... all the dorms i've ever been in usually have really good hiding places for a camera in the hallway. :rolleyes: Good luck man, I'd just report it to campus security and tell all your friends that you did so... if it's really getting to be that big of a deal. The cops won't really care, but at least you're "friend" will cough it up and explain it away as a the end you win.
  8. not all people could afford a 'hidden camera'...idk man i think you just need to talk to everyone. of course no one is going to admit it, so you just have to tell if the person is lying or not. or find someone who actually has an xbox. it narrows down the people.
  9. Just wait in your dorm watching under the door for awhile, or setup some mirrors or something and chill until they come.
  10. That sucks, i thought my 360 controller was stolen for awhile also, but my roommate found it under his desk... But if the guy is just screwing with you like that he will prolly give it back eventually... If they stole it to keep it i dont think they would risk fucking with you...
  11. Yea thats what Im thinking..

    No thief would post pictures of the game, thas just funny. It probably is a friend, just jerking you around.
  12. pay someone to get information for you, or to watch your dorm. or just give them some bud
  13. Well I've considered trying some sort of camera. I heard of this computer program that makes your webcam motion activated so it'll record what it sees, but I have no way of setting that up outside.

    I'm sure it's someone I know, and that they'll return it eventually, but I'm still pretty pissed about it. It's been gone for about 2 days now.

    I also suspect that this girl I know knows who did it, but she won't fess up. I'm keeping the pictures, they might help me figure it out. This has become detective work for me. :p
  14. heh... sooner or later you will end up hearing "I would have gotten away with it if it weren't for you meddling kids, and that dog" and then your friend who helped you solve this mystery will have a corny one liner which you will all laugh at (because you all just smoked in that hippy van you drive around) yep... thats what will happen ;)
  15. word.
  16. you ever find it? i had my copy and bioshock stolen from me recently too.
  17. Make a list and start whooping ass until you find it.
  18. I guess this is kinda old... I never saw it tho.

    Have you never seen spy kids??? " if you want to catch a criminal, send a criminal. if you want to catch a spy, send a spy. if you want to find a <s>child</s> halo 3 thief, send a <s>child</s> halo 3 thief."

  19. Yeah man, I would think it was one of my friends playing a joke. No one that steals your shit puts pictures on your door of it in random spots around the campus. But damnit, dorms dont have LOCKS on the doors? Weather they do or dont, I would get a safe, cause fuck having your shit stolen or fucked with, man.
  20. Thats fucked! You'd expect people to show some kind of respect for letting them into your room and use your stuff...

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