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To all those who are "bored" with weed

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Austen420, Jan 25, 2010.

  1. Don't move on to harder drugs. Experimenting is one thing but never replace your smoking habit with anything harder. Weed alone will never steer you astray as long as you lead a healthy life. Instead, start intesifying your habit. Take you waning interest in weed and use it to your advantage. Smoke daily a single strain of weed and really get to know your it. Treat it like a best friend, get to know all its intricacies and quirks. Once you've done that, move onto other strains and repeat, building up your weed "friends". You should also start exploring the other parts of the marijuana world. Learn to roll a really nice joint. Learn to grow. Etc...

    Weed is like learning to play an instrument. At first its lots of fun, but eventually you hit some bumps. If you stick with it however, your playing will not just be hobby, it will be an art form, a way of expressing yourself. So if you say you're bored with weed, you've most likely just hit those "bumps". It may take a while, but stick with it, and with the right attitude marijuana will really just become a healthy part of who you are.

    Of course this isn't the only method of relieving weed boredom (t-breaks are always good too), but i believe this a good perspective to have while continuing smoking. Please share if you disagree or have other ideas :)

    Stay healthy and stay high :smoke:
    Anyway, i gotta piss
  2. ha, i didnt know it was possible to get board with weed :smoke:
  3. Amen, we don't need weed's reputation to be slandered by a few hundred idiots making it a so called "gateway drug"

    sardonically speaking, that's a great progress boost toward the legalization...
  4. all my friends always say its gettin borin, and its so annoying.
    like if its boring, then go home.. sit there, sober. (<-- sounds much more fun.)

  5. thanks man, just another example of what weed can do for you :smoking:
  6. haha i play(ed) the drums and got bored with them after playing for like two years so i just basically stopped so that example fits me perfectly

    ...but ive NEVER gotten bored with weed and never plan on it :bongin:
  7. i think hes confuseing bordum with tolarance and moveing to harder drugs cuz of tolarance
  8. What? cause you to make troublesome spelling mistakes, and create incoherent sentences?:hide:
    jk do what you do :)
  9. Hear hear!

    I got bored of weed, since I could only afford shitty reg. So I decided, hey, why not grow it. I must say, I'm looking forward more to the act of growing than the act of smoking it. Though that'll be fun too.:smoke:
  10. shit does get boring man, sometimes i take weeks off just cause i dont feel like blazing. Havent smoked in a while, just working out and eating healthy i feel better than i have in a long time
  11. I'm starting to get a little bored with it. It's mainly because my tolerance is so high and I don't nearly get as high anymore.

    I need to take a t-break but my will power is killing me at the moment since I have plenty of weed.
  12. I completely agree with the OP.

    I respect greatly the fact that someone has written this out of pure kindness and selflessness.

    Anyway, I personally did not follow these guidelines, and regret it to this day. After becoming bored with weed I moved onto cocaine, which for a period of time ruined my appreciation for marijuana. Now I've been clean from coke for about a year, and see myself as a functional 23 year old that has intergrated marijuana into who I am.

    I also completely agree with the way he says to appreciate and use it to essentially enhance your life and personality, rather than have it be the predominant aspect of your existence.

    ps im fucking blazed :smoke:
  13. Truth.

    Shit, these days it already costs enough to just get high off weed so to move on to anything more expensive would is unheard of for me.

    Plus I like to keep the shit I own as opposed to pawning it all for coke/meth/etc
  14. If you get board with weed, then your not a true smoker. There so much I love about the plant other then just being high off of it. The gentetics,growing it, the orgin, medical value, culture etc. Marijuana is my favortie hobby. If something happen and I never could smoke again, I would still be extremly interested in just the plants dynamics. The joy and control over smoking something that you grow and can make you feel so many different ways is truly remarkable. I'm older then alot of people who visit this section. For a lot of you, your just starting to smoke. Well when I was a kid everyone was doing it and trying to be cool because of it. Well you shouldn't smoke weed because your friends do it, or its exciting to try and not get caught or just to be cool. You should smoke for the joy of it and the understanding that this is a remarkable plant and culture. There is not another plant in the world like it,nor will you find another culture like it. Now most of the people I knew in Hs who were the big stoners now don't smoke. They just drink because that is what is cool and everyone else is doing.I'll smoke weed up to the day that I die and I will fight until Marijuana is legal.
  15. In the end, herb will never turn your back on you

    That's not the same with opiates
  16. Yup. Bottommm line! Just dont turn your back on mary jane.
    I take weed over a girl any day. Girls are all the same but mary jane will never turn her back on me!:smoke::smoke:

  17. haha very true
  18. have you ever heard of someone sucking dick for weed ? noooooo

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